Tuesday, May 23, 2017

कलेजको एक कार्यक्रममा नाच्ने क्रममा जामा फुस्किदा..पेन्टी नलगाउनाले अंग छर्लंग(भिडियो)

News Update | 11:00 AM |

Bob your head. Start by understanding the beat in your head to get how the music is. If it helps, count 1, 2, 3, 4 in your head. Try to pick out the rhythm the band/artist is using for time, it can be a steady beat from the drums, or from the bass.
Shift your weight. Shift all of your weight to one foot. You can lift the other foot slightly off the ground to make sure all your weight is off of it.
At every other count (preferably 1 to 3) shift your weight completely to the other foot. You can also shift your weight at every single count, but starting out slowly will help you get comfortable before you begin dancing fast.
Keep your legs loose and bend your knees slightly; there should be just a little bit of "bounce" to your weight shifts, and a subtle bounce (in place) on the counts when you aren't shifting your weight as well.

Move your feet. Once you're shifting your weight to the rhythm, begin moving your feet. Right before you shift your weight to a foot, move it slightly, even just an inch or two from where it was before. When you move your foot, keep it fairly close to the ground.
If you're dancing with someone else, be sure to move around in a way that accommodates your partner without stepping on him or her.

Add some hip action. When you put your weight on a foot, move your hips (and your body) slightly in the direction of that foot. If you shift your weight onto your right foot, for example, move your hips to the right. You can twist your body slightly to add a little more movement. For example, when you move to the right, put your right shoulder forward a little and left shoulder back vice versa for when you move to the left.

Move your arms. If you're uncomfortable, the tendency is to keep your arms close or to let them hang limp. Instead, move your arms around. Keep your hands open or in very loose fists. You can put your arms in the air or at 90 degree angles at your sides (like when you're running)or try one of the arm moves listed below. Whatever you do, don't get stuck on just one move; keep switching it up.
Roll the dice. Make a loose fist and shake your arm and hand as though you are shaking a pair of dice for a roll. After a few shakes, "roll" the dice. Don't overuse this move to the point that it becomes comical. (More commonly used by men).
Mow the lawn. Bend forward and with one hand grasp the starter of an imaginary lawn mower. Pull your hand back as though you're pulling on the string to start the mower. Once you get it going, you can take a few steps while you mow the lawn. This move requires a certain amount of confidence to pull off, but it's a lot of fun and can bring a smile or a laugh to those dancing around you. (More commonly used by men).
Swing an air lasso. Grab an imaginary lasso and swing it above your head as though you're about to rope a cow. Shift your weight to the foot opposite your "lasso hand" and thrust your hips in that direction. (More commonly used by women).
Pump your fist. Make a fist and then make a pumping motion overhead in a celebratory fashion. (Best used when attending a concert).

Style. Natural impulses should be followed when dancing freestyle. It's easy to feel like you're only good at one move, but the more you feel the rhythm the more natural the motions will come out. Listening to subtleties in music will also help to train your body to move. Most importantly: be creative! Creating your own dance moves is easy with confidence and an understanding of your body.
Dab. Move one of your forearms to your forehead and move the other arm to the left.

Method2Slow Dancing with a Partner

Get lined up. Rather than lining up directly in front one another, position yourselves so that the center of the woman's chest lines up with the inside of the man's right shoulder.

Position the arms. The man should place his right hand flat on the small of the woman's back and hold his left hand out to the side at chest level. The woman should place her left hand the man's shoulder, raise her arm to chest level and extend her hand out to the right to hold her partner's hand. Hands should be interlocked like two C's rather than held with fingers intertwined.

Leave some space. A good guidelines is three to six inches of distance between you to your partner. Be sure your arms are relaxed with a comfortable bend in the elbow and your knees are soft rather than locked.

Begin moving. The man is meant to lead in a slow dance, so gentlemen should begin by shifting all weight to the right foot. Then every time the music hits the "one" of a four-count beat, shift your weight to the other foot. As your weight shifts, pick up the opposite foot and put it down in a slightly different spot so that you don't stay rooted to just one location for the duration of the dance. Move clockwise.

Method3Dancing at a Wedding

Chicken Dance. The Chicken Dance is a staple of many wedding receptions. It's easy to do because there are just three basic moves, and you change them in time with the music. This is a very low-pressure dance--no one cares if you mess up. It's called the Chicken Dance after all; don't take it too seriously.
Raise your arms shoulder level and line your thumbs up with your index fingers to create a shape that resembles a chicken's beak. Move your thumbs up and down to simulate a chicken clucking.
Then, ball up your hands and tuck your fists under your arms as though you have wings. Flap your wings up and down in time to the music.
With your wings still in place, continue flapping but now stick out your backside, bend your knees and wiggle your bottom down toward the floor.
Repeat these moves over and over until the song ends.

The Hora. The hora is danced at many traditional Jewish wedding receptions to the song "Hava Nagila." The hora simply involves dancing in what's known as a "grapevine" pattern.
Step the left foot across to the right. Let the right foot follow. Step the left foot in back of the right. Follow again with the right. That's it; that's the grapevine.
This dance is performed in a circle with dancers either holding hands or throwing their arms over one another's shoulders. The tempo of this dance is typically fast; sometimes the music starts slowly, and the band speeds up the tempo as the song goes along.

Dollar Dance. Also known as the money dance or the apron dance, wedding guests line up and pay a dollar (or more) to dance with the wedding couple. In some cases, men dance with the bride, and women dance with the groom; other times, both men and women dance with the bride. You can follow the basic slow dance instructions for this dance, but it's really not about the moves; it's about having a few moments with the bride or groom to express your happiness for the couple and compliment the wedding ceremony and reception. Holding on and simply swaying in place is perfectly acceptable if it makes it easier to have a personal conversation.

Take a dance class. There are dance classes for every style of dancing from hip-hop to ballet, break dancing to salsa. Search online for the classes in your area. Whatever style of dance you're interested in, you could probably benefit from a ballroom dancing class as the steps of many other dance styles have their roots in some ballroom basics.
When you are being taught a routine, look at what the teacher is doing. Try to copy it exactly. If it doesn't work, watch the teacher again and look for the little things he or she does that make it easier. Go ahead and and ask your instructor for tips; experienced instructors have worked with hundreds of students and have ideas that can help you overcome whatever it is you're finding to be difficult.
Even a few hours of class time can help you learn the basics and build your confidence.
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