Sunday, April 16, 2017

कसैले नदेख्ने ठाउमा कार पार्क गरी सेक्स गर्दै गरेको सेल्फी भिडियो लिक(१८+ मात्र)

News Update | 3:53 AM |

Everyone has hobbies, whether it be basketball, crafting, or watching Netflix. Some hobbies are harmless and easy to live with, and some are not so much. For two years I have dated a car enthusiast, and if I had one dollar for every time that I have rolled my eyes at some car-related remark, I could probably buy my boyfriend all of his dream cars. It makes me happy to see his face light up when he sees a “cool” car coming down the street. However, as a rational human being who prefers safe and comfortable cars, it can be very hard to understand how he sees things. Here are the 5 reasons my boyfriend’s hobby can be a pain in the ass
1. I can't drive his cars.

When my boyfriend was looking for a new car he decided that he wanted to get a car with a manual transmission, also known as “stick."From viewing his experience with mastering it, I can tell that it is very complicated and requires much time and patience to learn. I am not interested enough in cars to take the time to master it. The penalty I pay for this is that I cannot drive his convertible Ford Mustang. I can imagine me driving it, wind in my hair, and a cool breeze on a hot summer day. However, because of his enthusiasm for driving, and his insistence that having a stick shift is the proper way to drive, I cannot live that dream.
2. The cars he likes are way too dangerous.

Do you want to know what my boyfriend said to me the other day? He asked, “Do you want to know why I want a 930 Porsche 911 Turbo so bad?” Rolling my eyes, I negatively said, "why not." His response was, “It has the nickname of ‘Widowmaker’ because so many people have crashed them. Isn’t that awesome?” No babe, it is not awesome. He insists that it is not about having a death wish, but about having a car that takes skill to drive fast. I do not understand that though. I don’t want him near any car that is known as the “widowmaker.” Why can’t he just like a car that has a five-star safety rating? Can’t safe cars be fun cars too?

3. He spends way too much money on cars.

A few weeks ago he changed his shift knob. What was wrong with the old gear shifter? Why did he feel the need to change it? Did he just feel like pissing away $50? The need for his car to match what his imagination sees makes no sense to me. The car was meticulously designed by its parent company. Yet, despite this, he feels the need to blow paychecks on changing perfectly functional parts with new ones of his choice. Maybe that money could go into something like, I don’t know, savings so we can do fun things together.
4. Unreliability.

If you are dating a car enthusiast, I have some news for you. At some point you will be stranded at the side of the road because of the driver’s refusal to own a reliable and sensible car. It is not fun waiting for a tow truck to come save you and your boyfriend on the highway as cars whizz past while pointing at the cool car. Dating a car enthusiast means that even though you smell gasoline within the car it’s “probably nothing” and the fact that the air conditioning is broken just means that “we can enjoy the fresh air,” even when it so happens to be 95 degrees.
5. So much of his time is devoted to cars.

My boyfriend is great at finding time to go out with me, and is also very devoted to his studies. However, you can be sure that any time that is not being spent with me, with his friends, or working, he will be doing car related things. This can range from reading about cars on his favorite website, Jalopnik, all the way to going for a joy ride. This isn’t necessarily a pain, but I will still laugh and roll my eyes because he is so predictable that way.

In the end though, when I am sitting in the passenger’s seat and hear the engine’s roar change pitches as he switches gears, I can see that he is truly happy. All of a sudden, it doesn’t matter that I don’t understand his hobby because his smile shows that he understands it enough for the both of us. I have learned to nod my head and pretend to understand as he explains why we should buy a used Porsche instead of a new Toyota Camry.
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