काठमाडौं । नेपालको तीन विभिन्न क्षेत्रको भविष्यमा ठूलो भूकम्प जाने परिकल्पना गर्दै सरकार नेतृत्वको एक नयाँ अध्यनले भवन निर्माणको अवस्था अहिलेको जस्तो भए काठमाडौंमा ठूलो जनधनको क्षति हुने आंकलन गरेको छ ।
बिहिवार साँझ बीबीसी नेपाली सेवाले तयार पारेको रिपोर्टनुसार जापानी विज्ञसहितले गरेको अध्ययनले सन् २०१६ देखि सन् २०३० सम्ममा करिब ५० हजार मानिसको ज्यान जानेगरि ठूलो भूकम्प आउने उल्लेख छ । बीबीसी रिपोर्टअनुसार झण्डै पौने तीन लाख घर ध्वस्त हुने बताइएको छ ।विज्ञहरुलाई भूकम्पिय प्रवृतिको आधारमा चार खण्डमा विभाजन गरेका छन् महाकालीदेखि कालीगण्डकी र मस्र्याङदीदेखि सुनकोसी र मेचीसम्म । लामो समयदेखि भूकम्प नगएको र ०७२ सालमा गएको भूकम्पको पूर्ण सञ्चित शक्ति निकास नभएकाले ठूलो भूकम्प जाने खतरा भएको बताइएको हो ।
सदुरमध्यपश्चिम नेपाल, पश्चिम नेपाल र मध्ये नेपाल दक्षिण गरी तीन थरी सिनारियो भूकम्पको परिदृश्य विज्ञहरुले गरेका छन् । सदुरमध्यपश्चिम नेपालमा ८ दशमलव ६ रेक्टरको भूकम्प जाने बीबीसी रिपोर्टमा उल्लेख छ ।
यसलाई काठमाडौंलाई ठूलो असर भने नगर्ने उल्लेख छ । तर ७ दशमलव ८ रेक्टरको पश्चिम नेपाल र मध्य नेपाल दक्षिण परिदृश्य भूकम्पले राजधानीमा धेरै क्षति हुने बताइएको छ ।
काठमाडौं, १६ वैशाख । उपप्रधान तथा अर्थमन्त्री कृष्णबहादुर महराले चीनले अघि बढाएको ‘वान बेल्ट वान रोड’ अवधारणाभित्र रहेर तिब्बतको सिगात्से आइपुगेको चिनियाँ रेल केरुङ, काठमाडौं हुँदै लुम्बिनीसम्म विस्तार गर्न चीनसँग प्रस्ताव गरिएको बताएका छन् । चीन अध्ययन केन्द्रले शुक्रबार राजधानीमा आयोजना गरेको कार्यक्रममा मन्त्री महराले भने, ‘प्रधानमन्त्री प्रचण्डले हालैको चीन भ्रमणमा सिगात्से आइपुगेको चिनियाँ रेललाई केरुङ, काठमाडौं हुँदै लुम्बिनीसम्म विस्तार गर्न चीनसमक्ष प्रस्ताव राख्नुभएको छ । हामी चीनको यो अवधारणामा सहभागी भएर लाभ लिन चाहन्छौं।’
आजको अन्नपूर्ण पोस्टमा खबर छ– चीनले प्रस्ताव गरेको बेल्ट एन्ड रोड अवधारणाअनुसार चीन र एसिया, युरोप तथा अफ्रिकाबीच जमिन र समुद्र मार्गबाट सडक, रेल निर्माण गरी आर्थिक विकास गर्ने लक्ष्य छ । प्रधानमन्त्री प्रचण्डले चिनियाँ राष्ट्रपति सी जिनपिङसँग अघिल्लो महिना बेइजिङमा भएको भेटमा चीनले अघि बढाएको यस अवधारणामा नेपाल सदस्य बन्ने प्रतिबद्धता जनाएका थिए ।
अर्थमन्त्री महरा एक नेपाली प्रतिनिधिमण्डलको नेतृत्व गरी चीनले वैशाख ३१ र जेठ १ मा बेइजिङमा आयोजना गर्ने बेल्ट एन्ड रोड शिखर सम्मेलनमा सहभागी हुन जाने तयारी भएको परराष्ट्र मन्त्रालयका अधिकारीले बताए । महराको भ्रमणमा नेपाल बेल्ट एन्ड रोडको सदस्य बन्नेसम्बन्धी चीनसँग समझदारीपत्रमा हस्ताक्षर गर्ने तयारी भए पनि टुंगो भइनसकेको अधिकारीहरूले उल्लेख गरेका छन् । कार्यक्रममा पूर्वपरराष्ट्र सचिव मधुरमण आचार्यले नेपालले बेल्ट एन्ड रोड अवधारणाको सदस्य बनेर पर्याप्त लाभ लिनसक्ने बताए । उनले भने, ‘नेपाल, भारतलगायत दक्षिणएसियाका मुलुकले यो अवधारणामा सहभागी भई लाभ लिन सक्छन् तर यसको ठ्याक्कै ब्लुप्रिन्ट बाहिर आएको छैन । नेपाल ओबीओआरको नक्सामा कतै देखिँदैन ।’
चीनको सिचुवान विश्वविद्यालयका प्राध्यापक दाइ योङहोङले बेल्ट एन्ड रोड अवधारणामा नेपाल चाँडै सदस्य बन्न लागेकोमा खुसी व्यक्त गर्दै भने, ‘चीन र एसियाबीचको जमिनबाट हुने व्यापारका लागि नेपालले पुलको काम गर्न सक्छ ।’प्राध्यापक दाइले भारतले चीनको मुख्य अग्रसरतामा स्थापित एसियाली पूर्वाधार बैंकको दोस्रो ठूलो हिस्सेदारका रूपमा संलग्न रहेको तथा बंगलादेश, चीन, भारत र म्यानमारबीचको आर्थिक करिडोर ९बीसीआईएम० मा सदस्य बनेर भारतले एक हिसाबले बेल्ट एन्ड रोड अवधारणामा सहभागिता जनाइसकेको बताए ।
‘भारतले सरकारी तहमा मात्र बेल्ट एन्ड रोड अवधारणामा सहभागी नभएको बताइरहेको छ तर ऊ अर्को ढंगले त सहभागी भइसकेको छ’, उनले भने ।नेपालका लागि पूर्वबंगलादेशी राजदूत हुमायुन कबिरले बंगलादेशले ओबीओआर अवधारणामा सहभागी भई समुद्री सिल्क रोडका माध्यमबाट चीनसँग कनेक्टिभिटी, पारवहन व्यापारलगायत क्षेत्रमा लाभ लिइरहेको बताए । चीन अध्ययन केन्द्रका कार्यवाहक अध्यक्ष सुन्दरनाथ भट्टराईले चीन र दक्षिणएसियाबीच पुलका रूपमा नेपालले ओबीओआर फ्रेमवर्कभित्र रहेर काम गर्ने अवसर रहेको बताउनुभयो । कार्यक्रममा भारत, श्रीलंका, पाकिस्तान, बंगालदेशलगायत देशबाट सहभागी उपस्थित थिए ।
A second Greenbrier teen has died and two more received medical treatment after officials said they drank a mixture of Mountain Dew and methanol racing fuel last week.
On Thursday, authorities were called to the Franklin Farms home of 16-year-old Logan Stephenson, who was found dead in his bed.
Within minutes, they were called to a second home, on Cemetery Road, because the boy’s best friend had begun having seizures, Greenbrier Police Chief K.D. Smith said.
Authorities have not released the identity of the second teen, but Smith confirmed Tuesday that the medical examiner’s office had notified his department of the second teen’s death that morning. The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office also released a statement Tuesday confirming the second teen’s death.
Spokesman Ryan Martin said the boy died Monday afternoon, and the Sheriff’s Office was notified later that same day.
“We ask that everyone continue to pray for both of these families as they go through this tragic time,” Sheriff Bill Holt said in the department’s Tuesday release.
Since Stephenson’s death, two other teens have come forward, claiming they drank a similar substance, Smith said.
Four cases from Robertson County have been recorded with the Tennessee Poison Center at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, according to medical director Dr. Donna Seger.
Two of the teenagers were treated and released from two different emergency departments, Seger said.
Both teens said they had consumed a mixture of Mountain Dew and racing fuel, she said.
“They thought they knew what it was, that it was a substitute for alcohol,” Seger said. “They thought they would get the same effects as alcohol, but they weren’t aware of how toxic it was.”
Racing fuel, used in drag racing, is made up of almost 100% methanol, a non-drinkable form of alcohol used for industrial and automotive purposes, Seger said.
Initially, methanol can give the same effects as ethanol, which is used in the production of alcoholic beverages, but over time, it can result in symptoms ranging from blurred vision, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea to seizures, blindness, coma and death, depending on the amount and concentration of the methanol that was consumed, Seger said.
The investigation into the deaths of Stephenson and his best friend are ongoing. Police have not confirmed whether the boys had actually consumed the substance pending autopsy reports from the medical examiner’s office, Smith said.
The rumors “are deeply disturbing and harmful to the families that are already going through a tragic time of loss,” the release said.
Methanol is extremely poisonous and as little as two tablespoons can be deadly to a child, according to the National Institutes of Health website.
About two to eight ounces can be deadly for an adult, and the success of treatment is often determined by how much poison a person swallowed and how soon he or she received medical attention, the website says.
Heath workers are not aware of how prevalent Dewshine consumption is among Tennesseans, Seger said.
“These two deaths have brought it to our attention,” she said. “We have to try to make sure that adolescents are aware of the toxicity. Kids usually communicate more among themselves, and we need to make more kids aware of this, statewide.”
Health officials at Vanderbilt University Medical Center have notified the Department of Health about the situation, Seger said.
She also said she was not aware of any other cases involving Dewshine consumption outside of Tennessee.
Meanwhile, investigators urged community members to stop posting rumors about the case on social media sites, according to the release from the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office.
Robertson County Schools have been closed since before Stephenson’s death because of inclement weather, but Schools Director Mike Davis said Tuesday that the system was planning to have extra counselors at Greenbrier High School when the students resume classes.
“Our heartfelt sympathies go out to the parents and family members of these young men,” Davis said. “I think we will make the special effort to inform students of the dangers related to the deaths of these boys. We need to be reminding kids to make good choices.”
The Stephenson family is collecting funds in Logan’s memory with a GoFundMe page, saying they will use the funds to educate teens and families about substance-abuse dangers.
एजेन्सी। सर्प यस्तो जीव हो जुन मानिसको लागि सदियौं देखि चासोको केन्द्र बन्दै आएको छ। सर्पको बारेमा अहिलेसम्म हजारौं खोज अनि अनुसन्धान भइसकेको छ तर पनि अझै यो जीवको सबै रहस्य खुलिसकेको छैन। पौराणिककाल देखिनै सर्पसंग जोडिएका सयौं मान्यता समाजमा फैलिएका छन्। यी मान्यतामा केही अन्धविश्वास पनि नजोडिएका हैनन, जुन सदियौं देखि डरका कारण बन्दै आएका पनि छन्। यहाँ सर्पसंग जोडिएका यस्तै अन्धविश्वासको बारेमा चर्चा हुदैछ, मणिधारी नाग साच्चैको हुन्छ? सर्पसंग जोडिएको यो मान्यता निकै चर्चित छ कि नाग संग चकमदार, अनि मुल्यवान मणि हुन्छ। जीव विज्ञानको अनुसार यो मान्यता केवल एक अन्धविश्वास मात्र हो। विश्वमा अहिलेसम्म जति पनि सर्पको बारेमा जानकारी प्राप्त भएको छ, ती सर्प मध्ये कुनै सर्पपनि मणिधारी छैन।
के नाग इच्छाधारी हुन्छ? मान्यता छ कि केही नाग इच्छाधारी हुन्छ अर्थात आफ्नो इच्छा अनुसार रुप बदल्न सक्छ र कहिले काही मानवकै रुप पनि धारण गर्दछ। तर यो केवल कथाको लागिमात्र सुहाउने विषयवस्तु हुन आउँछ, यो केवल कल्पना मात्र हो। यहि विषयमा अनेकौं फिल्महरु पनि बनाइएका छन्, त्यसैले पनि यो मान्यता चर्चित छ। सर्पले आफ्नो साथीको मृत्युको बदला लिन्छ? समाजमा निकै चलेको मान्यता मध्ये यो पनि एक पर्छ कि कसैले सर्प मारे मर्ने सर्पको आँखामा मार्ने मानिसको तस्बिर रहिरहन्छ, जसलाई चिनेर सर्पको साथी सो मानिसलाई पछ्याइ टोकेर साथीको मृत्युको बदला लिन्छ। सर्पको दिमाग यति पनि विकसित भएको हुदैन जति हामीले यो कथा बनाउँदा प्रयोग गर्छौ। निकै कम बौद्धिकता भएको प्राणीले यस्तो गर्नसक्छ भन्नु विज्ञानको दृष्टीबाट असम्भव देखिन्छ। जीव विज्ञानको अनुसार सर्पले मर्न समयमा एक गन्ध छोड्ने गर्छ जसलाई सुघेँर अन्य सर्प सो ठाँउमा आइपुग्छन्। यसैकारण यो अन्धविश्वास रहन गएको हो की सर्पले आफ्नो साथीको मृत्युको बदला लिन्छ। सर्पले दुध पिउँछ र? हिन्दु धर्ममा सर्पलाई दुध खुवाउने प्रचलन छ, जुन की पुरै गलत हो। सर्प मांसहारी जीव हो। सर्पले चरा, मुसा जस्ता साना-साना प्राणीको सिकार गरि खाने गर्छ। दुध सर्पको प्राकृतिक आहार होइन। न त सर्पले दुधको फाइदा र बेफाइदा छुट्याएर दुध खाने नखाने निर्णय गर्न सक्छ। समातर कोचाए नखाने हैन तर यो बु्द्धिमानी कार्य भने भएन। विणाको धुनमा किन नाँच्छ सर्प? खेल-तमासा देखाउने केही मानिस धुन बजाएर सर्प नचाउने दाबी गर्छन। तर यो पुरै अन्धविश्वास हो किनकी सर्पको कान हुदैन। हावामा हुने ध्वनि तरङ्का सर्पले त्यति ध्यान दिन सक्दैन तर जमिन भित्र वा जमिनको सतहमा हुने कम्पनलाई भने एक विशेष हड्डिको सहयताले पत्ता लगाउँछ। सर्पले विशेष गरि हिडडुल गर्ने वस्तुहरुलाई राम्रो संग देख्न सक्छ। सर्प नचाउने भन्ने धुन बजाउदा सर्पले सो बाजा चलेको संगै आफ्नो शरिर भने चलाउने गर्छ। तर कुनै धुन सुनेर सर्प नाचेको भने होइन। केही सर्प विषालु हुन्छन्। गर्मी महिनामा सर्प जमिनको सतहमा बढी देखिने गर्छन्। सावधान रहेर सर्पको टोकाइबाट बच्नु सबैभन्दा बुद्धिमानी हुनेछ।
Depending on how much is taken and the physical condition of the individual, alcohol can cause: Slurred speech Drowsiness Vomiting Diarrhea Upset stomach Headaches Breathing difficulties Distorted vision and hearing Impaired judgment Decreased perception and coordination Unconsciousness Anemia (loss of red blood cells) Coma Blackouts (memory lapses, where the drinker cannot remember events that occurred while under the influence) LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL
Binge drinking and continued alcohol use in large amounts are associated with many health problems, including: Unintentional injuries such as car crash, falls, burns, drowning Intentional injuries such as firearm injuries, sexual assault, domestic violence Increased on-the-job injuries and loss of productivity Increased family problems, broken relationships Alcohol poisoning High blood pressure, stroke, and other heart-related diseases Liver disease Nerve damage Sexual problems Permanent damage to the brain Vitamin B1 deficiency, which can lead to a disorder characterized by amnesia, apathy and disorientation Ulcers Gastritis (inflammation of stomach walls) Malnutrition Cancer of the mouth and throat
“My addiction built steadily and, before I realized it, I had become a morning as well as an afternoon drinker.
“I decided to stop drinking. I lay awake most of that night, and by noon the next day every bone in my body ached. In a blind panic, I nervously poured a glass full of gin, my hands shaking so violently that I spilled half the bottle. As I gulped it down, I could feel the agony gradually lessening. Then I finally knew the terrible truth: I was hooked. I couldn’t quit.”
Two lions have reportedly been shot dead by zookeepers in front of a crowd of visitors after severely mauling a man who had entered their enclosure in an apparent suicide attempt.
The man, named as 20-year-old Franco Luis Ferrada by local media, had reportedly climbed onto the rooftop of the lion enclosure at Santiago National Zoo, Chile, and forced his way into the pen before stripped naked and taunting the lions into attacking him.
As the lions set upon Mr Ferrada a zookeeper reportedly opened fire with tranquiliser darts - accidentally hitting Mr Ferrada in the neck.
The zookeeper is then said to have opened fire with live rounds, killing the two big cats in front of a large crowd of visitors to the zoo.
'Tiger whisperer' Stacey Konwiser mauled to death by big cat in Palm Beach zoo Lion mauls man in middle of rush hour after getting agitated by the traffic Lion shot dead after attacking man near Kenya national park outside Nairobi
Mr Ferrada was taken to a nearby hospital and was said to be in grave condition, with injuries to the pelvis and head.
Since the incident on Saturday morning scores of people have taken to the Santiago Metropolitan Zoo Facebook page expressing anger at the execution of the two big cats.
Facebook user, John Smith, described the zoo as an "evil zoo with backward methods for dealing with problems".
Mr Smith added: "They sacrifice animals to protect humans who choose to enter enclosures at their own free will."
Others claimed the zoo should be boycotted for poor security and condemned the zoo for using deadly force against the animals.
In an official statement, a spokesperson for the zoo said: "We were forced to implement all our security protocols.
"[The death of the lions] is deeply painful for each of us and especially for every one of the officials of the zoo, who care for them day by day.
"Despite the pain which led to this action, it was necessary to preserve the life of the individual, [who] was removed from the premises and taken to a clinic to receive the appropriate care, where he remains at the moment.
"We want to clarify that the halls of our zoo are absolutely safe for our regular visitors and that, in cases like this, in which a person violates the security protocols of the enclosure, are absolutely out of the ordinary.
The number of Nepali workers going abroad has more than doubled since the country began promoting foreign labour in recent years: from about 220,000 in 2008 to about 500,000 in 2015, mostly in Malaysia, Qatar or Saudi Arabia.
Yet the number of deaths among those workers has risen much faster in the same period.
One out of every 2,500 workers died in 2008; last year one out of every 500 died, according to an Associated Press analysis of data released by Nepal's Ministry of Labour and Employment.
In total, more than 5,000 workers from this small country have died working abroad since 2008 - more than the number of US troops killed in the Iraq War.
The causes, in many cases, have been mysterious. Natural death, heart attack or cardiac arrest are listed for nearly half the deaths.
But now medical researchers say these deaths fit a familiar pattern: Every decade or so, dozens, or even hundreds, of seemingly healthy Asian men working abroad in poor conditions start dying in their sleep.
It happened in the US in the late 1970s, in Singapore about a decade later and more recently in China. The suspected killer even has a name: Sudden Unexplained Nocturnal Death Syndrome.
Authorities in Nepal say their citizens seem to die abroad more frequently than their equally vulnerable Sri Lankan, Bangladeshi and Indonesian co-workers, but the explanation for the increased mortality has been unclear.
"It's usually sleeping disease," said Kumud Khanal, vice president of the Nepal Association of Foreign Employment Agencies, which represents more than 400 registered agents.
"We get the report that he was talking with friends in the evening, had dinner and went to bed, and in the morning he was found dead," he said
But medical experts say there have been waves of deaths before among young, rural southeast Asian men working abroad in physically stressful conditions.
"I see some familiar patterns here with Nepalese workers," said Patrick Clarkin at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, who has written about the biology and epidemiology of Sudden Unexplained Nocturnal Death Syndrome.
No one has identified a single cause of SUNDS fatalities - medical journal discussions include genetics, infection and nutritional deficiencies.
And in Nepal, the syndrome is not being considered at this point. Instead, Nepali authorities say it could be stress, even homesickness, brought on by physically demanding jobs in extremely hot climates. Top export: young men
Nepal exports iron and steel, carpets, some vegetables - but mainly it exports men. It even advertises them.
"Nepalese workers are well known for their hard work, dedication and loyalty," boasts the Nepalese Embassy website in Doha, Qatar, where a pre-World Cup construction boom employs about 1.5 million migrants.
The Arab Gulf state recently made changes to its labour laws and will be subject to a review by the International Labour Organization in March 2017.
The Nepali workers "are comparatively cost-effective", says the embassy, and they're experienced at "working in the extreme climatic conditions".
Nepali law bans recruiters and employers from charging fees.
Nepal worker returns home to loss and devastation
Some of the countries when the men go to work, including Qatar, also prohibit the fees. But in reality everyone has to pay for these jobs.
The men borrow at 36 percent interest rates from money lenders or sell off family land to get the $1,100 stake needed for recruiters, airline tickets and more.
According to a 2014 report by the Open Society Foundation, "migrant workers commonly encounter a range of abuses during their recruitment in Nepal which makes them more vulnerable to exploitation abroad".
About 10 percent of Nepal's 28 million residents are working abroad, sending home more than $6bn a year, amounting to about 30 percent of the country's annual revenues. Only Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan are more dependent on foreign earnings.
Some come back maimed or disabled, like Salit Mandal, who rolled off a third-level bunk in Malaysia and smashed in his skull. He is in debt, partially paralysed, and lives with his parents.
"I have no idea what I'm going to do, how I'm going to raise them, because I can't move," he says, gazing at his three children.
His family had pinned their hopes on him after he returned from an earlier stint in Qatar with enough money to build a five-bedroom house.
His little brother Jamun Mandal, 24, is next in line. He has abandoned his aspirations of going to college and has paid the recruiting broker. He holds up a passport.
"I know it sounds weird to be planning to go, because people die, disappear, they come back in comas," he says, "But what to do?"
For many husbands, wife can be downright confusing. One night, a husband looks at his wife with puppy dog eyes and suggests romance. She replies in frustration, “Not tonight. Is sex all you men think about?” A few nights later in that very same bed, she might say, “You just watch TV and go to bed. Don’t you find me attractive anymore?” Another husband hears his wife complaining about her need to exercise. He buys her a gym membership. And that’s when the fight begins! There are countless times in marriage when a husband and wife get their wires crossed. No wonder men are confused about how to make your wife happy! Efforts to make your wife happy may seem to backfire more often than not. Although the mystery between men and women is sure to continue, here are ten proven activities to make your wife happy:For many husbands, wife can be downright confusing. One night, a husband looks at his wife with puppy dog eyes and suggests romance. She replies in frustration, “Not tonight. Is sex all you men think about?” A few nights later in that very same bed, she might say, “You just watch TV and go to bed. Don’t you find me attractive anymore?”Another husband hears his wife complaining about her need to exercise. He buys her a gym membership. And that’s when the fight begins! There are countless times in marriage when a husband and wife get their wires crossed. No wonder men are confused about how to make your wife happy! Efforts to make your wife happy may seem to backfire more often than not. Although the mystery between men and women is sure to continue, here are ten proven activities to make your wife happy:
Believing that news is for everyone and all the people have an equal right to receive true and factual information at anytime, anywhere.We are a team of dedicated, vibrant, professional, experienced and energetic people putting our efforts to set new dawn in the field of online journalism. We aim to bring the reality accessible for all and bring the people together for social, economical and political transformation. We are also committed to bring the news instantly when it crops out. We also evaluate and provide comprehensive reporting and commentary on the politics, business, culture, travel, fashion, sports and education of Nepal in an attractive and elegant manner. Our online site is a medium to unite the Nepalese people residing in every nook and corner of the world.Believing that news is for everyone and all the people have an equal right to receive true and factual information at anytime, anywhere.We are a team of dedicated, vibrant, professional, experienced and energetic people putting our efforts to set new dawn in the field of online journalism. We aim to bring the reality accessible for all and bring the people together for social, economical and political transformation. We are also committed to bring the news instantly when it crops out. We also evaluate and provide comprehensive reporting and commentary on the politics, business, culture, travel, fashion, sports and education of Nepal in an attractive and elegant manner. Our online site is a medium to unite the Nepalese people residing in every nook and corner of the world.
आफ्नो सेनाको वार्षिकोत्सवको दिन पारेर उत्तर कोरियाले ठूलो ‘लाइभ-फायर’ अभ्यास गरेको छ। सम्भावित उत्तर कोरियाली कदम मध्यनजर गर्दै दक्षिण कोरियाको तटमा आज अमेरिकी पनडुब्बी पुगेको खबरसंगै उत्तर कोरियाले फायरिङ गरि अभ्यास गरेको खबर आएको हो।
अमेरिकाको एअरक्राफ्ट क्यारिअर उत्तर कोरिया तर्फ बढीरहेको र अमेरिकाले आजै युएसएस मिचिगन पनडुब्बी दक्षिण कोरियाको तटमा उतारेसंगै सेनाको वार्षिकोत्सव मनाउन उत्तर कोरियाले शक्ति प्रदर्शन गरेको हो । उत्तर कोरियाले परमाणु कार्यक्रम रोक्न इन्कार गरेको विषयमा दक्षिण कोरिया, जापान र अमेरिकाका उच्च दूतहरु जापानको टोकियोमा आजै छलफल गर्दैछन्।
उत्तर कोरियाले आफ्नो छैटौं परमाणु परीक्षण गर्ने डर यो हप्ता विश्वव्यापी छाएको छ।
दक्षिण कोरियाको योनहाप न्युज एजेन्सीको अनुसार ‘लाइभ फायर’ अभ्यासको लागि उत्तर कोरियाले ठूलो सङ्ख्यामा लामो दुरीका आर्टिलरी युनिट आफ्नो पूर्वी तट स्थित वोनसन क्षेत्रमा तैनाथ गरेको छ।
यो अभ्यासमा उत्तर कोरियाली शासक किम जोङ उन सहभागी हुने बताइएको छ।
दक्षिण कोरियाका रक्षा मन्त्रीले भने यो रिपोर्ट तत्काल पुष्टि गर्न नसक्ने बताएका छन। उनले आफ्नो सेनाले उत्तर कोरियाको वनसन इलाकाको गतिविधि नियालिरहेको र सेना तयारी अवस्थामा राखिएको बताएका छन्।
उत्तर कोरियाको सरकारी मिडियाले आफ्नो सेनाको शक्तिमा कुनै सिमा नभएको बताउँदै सबमरिनबाट लञ्च गरिने मिसाइल र परमाणु बमले सुसज्जित भएको बताएको छ।
यता अमेरिका राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रम्पले उत्तर कोरियाले परमाणु आक्रमण गरेपनि त्यसलाई रोक्ने प्रण गरेका छन् भने सैन्य आक्रमण सहित सबै बाटो अमेरिकासंग खुल्ला रहेको बताएका छन्।
जापानी संसदका प्रमुख सचिव योसिदे सुगाले आजै चिनियाँ परमाणु दूत वु दवइले पनि जापानी विदेशमन्त्रालयका अधिकारीहरुसंग छलफल गर्ने बताएका छन्। वुले भोली आफ्ना जापानी परमाणु समकक्षीसंग भेटगर्ने पनि बताइएको छ।
उत्तरी एसियामा बढेको गतिविधिसंगै अमेरिका विदेशी मन्त्री रेक्स टिलरसनले सोमबार भनेका छन्, ‘उत्तर कोरियाको विषयमा शुक्रबार संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ सुरक्षा परिषद्को विशेष मिटिङ बोलाइएको छ।’
उनीसंगै रक्षा सचिव जिम म्याटिस, नेशनल इन्टिलिजेन्सका निर्देशक डान कोट्स र जोइन्ट चिफ प्रमुख जनरल जोसेफ डुनफोर्ड पनि यो मिटिङमा भागलिनेछन्।
सोमबार अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रम्पले उत्तर कोरिया विश्वव्यापी खतरा भएको र यो समस्या अन्तत: हामीले नै समाधान गर्नुपर्ने भन्दै प्योङयांगलाई संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघले अझै कडा प्रतिबन्ध लगाउनुपर्ने बताएका थिए।
On April 25, 2015, Nepal was hit by an earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale with epicenter located in Barpak of Gorkha district in western Nepal.
There was a significant aftershock of 7.3 magnitude on May 12 that had epicenter in Dolakha district. The temblor was centered 18 kilometers southeast of Kodari and 76 km east-northeast of the Kathmandu.
The May 12 earthquake occurred due to faulting associated with the Main Himalayan Thrust, where the India plate is slamming into the Eurasia plate to the north.
Generally, smaller aftershocks strike within the main earthquake rupture, whereas the biggest aftershocks tend to strike at the edge of where the original earthquake occurred.
Some 9,000 persons were killed, thousands got injured and hundreds of thousands of houses completely destroyed and many people were rendered homeless. Many government and public office buildings, historical, cultural and archeological heritages were destroyed in the quake.
Moreover, physical infrastructures including public and private school buildings, bridges, roads, etc. were also been destroyed in the quakes.
The government declared fourteen districts—Gorkha, Kavrepalanchok, Dhading, Nuwakot, Rasuwa, Sindupalchok, Dolakha, Ramechhap, Okhaldunga, Makwanpur, Sindhuli, Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur—as severely-hit and the crisis-hit.
यो सत्य हो कि महिलाहरुलाई बुझ्न अप्ठेरो छ ।, तर जब आफ्नो भावना र इनर फिलिंग (भित्रि इच्छा) व्यक्त गर्ने कुरा गर्छन तर त्यहाँ शब्दहरुको सट्टा नन भर्बल कम्यूनिकेशन अर्थात इशाराको प्रयोग गर्छन् ।
यस्तो बेला पुरुषका लागि यो सांकेतिक क्रियाकलाप बुझ्न गाह्रो हुन्छ । यस्तोमा महिलाहरुको बडी ल्याग्वेज (शारीरिक हाउभाउ)का केही संकेतहरु जान्नु जरुरी हुन्छ जसले यस्तो अर्थ लगाउँछ कि त्यो बेला उनीहरु मूडमा छन् र सेक्स गर्नका लागि तयार छन् । १) अंगालोको इशाराः यदि आफ्नो पार्टनर(पुरुष)लाई महिलाहरुले आफ्नो अंगालो पार्टनर(पुरुष)को शरीरको एकदमै नजिकै राख्छिन् भने त्यहाँ पुरुषले बुझ्नुपर्छ कि उनकी पार्टनरको मनमा केही इच्छा जागेको छ ।
यसका साथै यदि महिलाहरुको हात उनको टाउकोमा, तपाईको टाउकोमा वा तपाईको छातिमा राखिएको छ भने यो पनि त्यस कुराको संकेत हो कि उनी तपाईसँग कम्फर्टेबल अर्थात सहज महसुस मानिरहेकी छन् र आफूलाई रोक्न चाँहदिनन् ।
२) छिटो स्वास फेर्नु अर्थात धड्कन बढ्नुः यो इशाराको बनावटी गर्न गाह्रो छ । किनकि जब शरीर उत्तेजित हुन्छ तब स्वासप्रश्वास आफै बढ्छ । जब शरीर आर्गेजमका लागि तयार भइरहेको छ भने त्यो बेला मनमुटुको धड्कन पनि बढ्छ र शरीरमा अक्सिजनको डिमाण्ड (माग) बढ्दा स्वासप्रस्वास बढ्छ । यो पनि यस कुराको संकेत हो कि उनी तपाईसँग प्रेम गर्न तयार छिन् ।
३) पार्टनरको नजिक आउनुः जब तपाईकी पार्टनर तपाईलाई मायाले अंगालोमा लिने कोसिस गर्छिन् र नजिक हुन खोज्छिन् भने यो पनि यस कुराको संकेत हो कि उनी तपाईलाई इन्वाईट अर्थात आमन्त्रण गरिरहेकी छिन् । यसका साथै आफ्नो हातको पञ्जालाई मोड्नु पनि एक राम्रो संकेत हो ।
४) तालमेल मिलाउनुः राम्रो सेक्सका लागि गोप्य यो पनि हो कि यो एकदमै समकालिन अर्थात सिंक्रनाइज्ड (पारदर्शी) हुन्छ । यसकारण यदि तपाईकी पार्टनर तपाईको मूव्स (पुरुषको स्तन अर्थात छाति)मा आफूलाई म्याच गरिरहेकी छन् अर्थात मिलाइरहेकी छन् र तपाईसँग तालमेल मिलाउन खोजिरहेकी छन् भने अगाडि बढ्नका लागि यो भन्दा राम्रो मौका अरु कुनै समय हुन सक्दैन् ।
रिपोर्टअनुसार यद्यपी यो जरुरी छैन कि यी सबै कुरा सबै महिलामा लागु हुन्छ । हरेक मान्छे एक अर्कामा फरक हुन्छ । जरुरत मात्र यी कुराको छ कि आफ्नो पार्टनरमा ध्यान दिनुस् र उनको बडी ल्याग्वेंग (शारीरिक हाउभाउ)लाई बुझ्नुस् । श्रोत: हाम्रो सन्देश
Jyoti Magar is a Nepali folk (lok dohori) singer, model, and an actress. She started her professional musical career in 2006 and since then, she has given a number of hit albums and has travelled extensively within and outside Nepal to perform in stage programs. Jyoti has been criticized by some media outlets and Nepali social media users for her provocative and glamorous way of dressing and dancing. Jyoti Magar was born in a village in the Rolpa district of Nepal. However, her family migrated to Dang when she was still a toddler. In interviews, she has often said that as a young child she was more interested in dancing than in singing. She has also said that she comes from a family that deeply loved music, though not professionally involved in it.
Jyoti completed her School Leaving Certificate(SLC) from a school in Dang. Though she joined a college to study an Intermediate Degree in Arts (IA), she dropped out and decided, instead, to focus in music.
Jyoti Magar is a Nepali folk (lok dohori) singer, model, and an actress. She started her professional musical career in 2006 and since then, she has given a number of hit albums and has travelled extensively within and outside Nepal to perform in stage programs. Jyoti has been criticized by some media outlets and Nepali social media users for her provocative and glamorous way of dressing and dancing.
Jyoti Magar was born in a village in the Rolpa district of Nepal. However, her family migrated to Dang when she was still a toddler. In interviews, she has often said that as a young child she was more interested in dancing than in singing. She has also said that she comes from a family that deeply loved music, though not professionally involved in it.
Jyoti completed her School Leaving Certificate(SLC) from a school in Dang. Though she joined a college to study an Intermediate Degree in Arts (IA), she dropped out and decided, instead, to focus in music.
A candlelit London restaurant, sitting opposite a total stranger on a workday afternoon, and we’re both completely n@ked. The restaurant is Bunyadi, a newly opened eatery in a quiet corner of central London that encourages customers to disrobe while enjoying a “natural” dining experience.Bunyadi has made headlines in recent weeks by attracting 46,000 people to its waiting list for a three-month pop-up run over the summer. I was there for the press launch, alongside 25 or so other journalists dispatched to report from the front line of naked dining. So what’s it like? From outside, the restaurant isn’t much to look at — which is probably the idea. It’s discreetly located in a converted street-corner pub with blacked-out windows a few quiet streets away from London’s highest skyscraper, The Shard. The front door leads into a small bar area, which looks pretty standard until folks start emerging from the changing rooms wearing hotel-style bathrobes. When tables are ready and guests have had the requisite number of freshly mixed looseners, they’re then guided into the main dining area. A candlelit London restaurant, sitting opposite a total stranger on a workday afternoon, and we’re both completely n@ked. The restaurant is Bunyadi, a newly opened eatery in a quiet corner of central London that encourages customers to disrobe while enjoying a “natural” dining experience.Bunyadi has made headlines in recent weeks by attracting 46,000 people to its waiting list for a three-month pop-up run over the summer. I was there for the press launch, alongside 25 or so other journalists dispatched to report from the front line of naked dining. So what’s it like? From outside, the restaurant isn’t much to look at — which is probably the idea. It’s discreetly located in a converted street-corner pub with blacked-out windows a few quiet streets away from London’s highest skyscraper, The Shard. The front door leads into a small bar area, which looks pretty standard until folks start emerging from the changing rooms wearing hotel-style bathrobes. When tables are ready and guests have had the requisite number of freshly mixed looseners, they’re then guided into the main dining area.
कोरोनरी आर्टरीभित्र रक्तप्रवाह अचानक बन्द भएमा हृदयाघात हुन्छ । समयमै पुनः रक्तप्रवाह नभएमा उक्त कोरोनरी आर्टरीबाट रक्तसञ्चार हुने मुटुको मांसपेशी मरेर जान्छ । यस्तो भएमा असर परेको मुटुको उक्त भागले काम गर्न छाड्छ र मुटु सधैंका लागि कमजोर हुन जान्छ । तर, अत्यन्तै डरलाग्दो अवस्था त्यो बेला उत्पन्न हुन्छ, जब अचानक रक्तसञ्चारमा अवरोध भएर मुटुभित्र रसायनको अस्थिरता हुन्छ । यसले मुटुको चालमा परिवर्तन ल्याउँछ । यसलाई एरिद्मिया भनिन्छ । यसले गर्दा मुटुको चाल अत्यन्तै कम वा बढी भएर बिरामीको अचानक मृत्यु हुन सक्छ । विभिन्न अध्ययनका अनुसार हृदयाघात भएको आधाभन्दा बढी मानिसको मृत्यु अस्पताल पुग्नु अगावै भइसक्छ । हृदयाघात भएको पहिलो २४ घण्टा ज्यादै जोखिमपूर्ण मानिन्छ । किनभने अत्यधिक मृत्यु २४ घण्टाभित्रै हुनेगर्छ ।
हृदयाघात भएको कसरी थाहा पाउने ?
हृदयाघात अकस्मात हुने रोग भएकाले छाती दुख्ने तथा यससंग संबन्धित अन्य लक्षण पनि अचानक नै सुरु हुन्छन् । छातीको बीच भागमा वा बायाँतिर दुख्नु वा पोलेको जस्तो अनुभव हुनु, छातीमा दबाब महसुस गर्नु वा मन्द मन्द दुखिराख्नु जस्ता लक्षण देखा पर्न सक्छन् । छाती दुख्नुको संगै अरु लक्षण जस्तै, पसिना आउनु, वाकवाकी लाग्नु, उल्टी हुनु, डर लाग्नु, छटपटी बढ्नु, मुटु ढुकढुक हुनु, रिंगटा लाग्नु आदि समस्या छन् भने हृदयाघात भएको सम्भावना झन् प्रबल हुन्छ । हृदयाघातका कारण भएका बिरामीमा यस्ता लक्षण देखिनासाथ यथाशिघ्र आकस्मिक सुविधा भएको अस्पताल पु¥याई इसिजि गराइहाल्नुपर्छ । लक्षणको आधारमा हृदयाघातको शंका भएका एस्प्रिन औषधिको ३०० मिग्रा घरमै दिन मिल्छ ।
हृदयाघातको सुनौलो घण्टा (गोल्डेन आवर्स)
हृदयाघात भएको बिरामीले छाती दुखेको १२ घण्टाभित्रै अस्पताल पुग्नुपर्छ । आवश्यक उपचार समयमै पाउँदा बन्द भएको रक्तनलीमा पुनः रक्तसञ्चार हुने सम्भावना बढी हुन्छ । रक्तप्रवाह समयमै पुनः सञ्चालन भएमा मुटुका मांसपेशी निष्कृय हुनबाट जोगिन्छन् । छाती दुखेको ३ घण्टाभित्र अस्पताल पुगेर आवश्यक उपचार हुन पाएमा कोरोनरी आर्टरीमा रक्तप्रवाह गराउन सकिने सम्भावना बढी हुन्छ । छाती दुख्न थालेपछि जति चाँडो अस्पताल पुगेर उपचार गराउन सकिन्छ, त्यति नै धेरै मुटुको मांसपेशी जोगाउन सकिन्छ । छाती दुखेको १२ घण्टापछि रक्तप्रवाहलाई सुचारु गर्न सकिने सम्भावना कम हुन्छ । त्यसैले छाती दुखेको १२ घण्टापछि अस्पताल पुगेमा असर परेको मुटुको मांसपेशी निष्कृय भइसकेको हुन्छ । यस्तो अवस्थामा उपचार गरेर बन्द भैसकेको रक्तनलीलाई खोले पनि केही फाइदा नहुन सक्छ । त्यसैले छाती दुखेको २४ घण्टापछि अस्पताल पुगेर एन्जिओप्लास्टी गरेमा पनि फाइदा हुने सम्भावना न्युन हुन्छ । अस्पतालको इमर्जेन्सीमा गरिने जाँचहरु हृदयाघातको शंका भएको बिरामीलाई तुरुन्तै इमर्जेन्सीको खाटमा सुताएर इसिजी गर्नुपर्छ । अस्पताल पुगेको १० मिनेटभित्रै उपलब्ध चिकित्सक वा मुटुरोग विशेषज्ञले इसिजि हेरिसकेको हुनुपर्छ । इसिजी बाहेक सामान्य रगतको जाँच र ट्रोपोनिन भन्ने रगतको जाँच पनि गरिन्छ । यो जाँचले चिकित्सकले हृदयाघात भएको वा नभएको पुष्टि गर्न सक्छन् । हृदयाघातको निदान विशेषगरी लक्षणका आधारमा र इसिजी या ट्रोपोनिनको रिपोर्टअनुसार गरिन्छ ।
हृदयाघातको प्रमुख उपचार बन्द भएको कोरोनरी आर्टरीलाई खोल्नु र रक्तप्रवाहलाई पुनः सन्चालन गर्नु नै हृदयाघातको प्रमुख उपचार हो । रक्तप्रवाहलाई जति सक्दो चाँडो र पूर्ण रुपमा सञ्चालन गर्नु महत्वपूर्ण कदम मानिन्छ । बन्द भएको नलीलाई दुई तरिकाले खोल्न सकिन्छ । प्रथमः औषधि र दोस्रो एन्जिओप्लास्टी । कुन बिरामीलाई औषधि र कुनलाई एन्जिओप्लास्टी उपचार गर्ने हो, यसको निर्णय उपचारमा संलग्न चिकित्सकले धेरै कुरामा विचार गरेर गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ ।
एन्जिओप्लास्टी भन्नाले कोरोनरी आर्टरीमा तार छिराएर बेलुन र स्टेन्टको मद्दतले रक्तप्रवाह सुचारु गर्ने भन्ने बुझिन्छ । औषधिले आर्टरीमा भएको क्लटलाई पगालेर रक्त प्रवाह सुचारु गर्छ । दुवै तरिकाको आ–आफ्नै फाइदा र बेफाइदा हुने भएकाले उपचारमा संलग्न विशेषज्ञले नै आफ्नो बिरामीको लागि उपयुक्त तरिका छान्ने गर्छन् । तर, सुविधा भएको ठाउँमा एन्जिओप्लास्टी नै सर्वोत्तम उपचार मानिन्छ । कुनै कारणवश एन्जिओप्लास्टी गर्न नमिल्ने अवस्था भएमा बिरामीलाई औषधिद्वारा नै उपचार गरिन्छ । भइसकेपछि के–के सावधानी लिनुपर्छ ? उपचारका बारेमा : चिकित्सकको सल्लाहअनुसार नै औषधि खानुपर्छ । आफ्नै इच्छाले मात्र कम गर्नु, बढाउनु वा खाँदैं नखानुले अर्को हृदयाघात निम्त्याउन सक्छ । चिकित्सकको सल्लाहअनुसार इसिजी, इकोकार्डियोग्राफी र पोटासियमको जाँच समय समयमा गराइराख्नुपर्छ । शारीरिक गतिविधिका बारेमा : शारीरिक गतिविधि सामान्य रुपले कति दिनमा गर्ने हो, सो कुराको जानकारी चिकित्सकसंग लिनुपर्छ । बिरामीले बिस्तारै बिस्तारै प्रतिदिन गतिविधि बढाउँदैं लैजानुपर्छ र लगभग २, ३ हप्तापछि अफिस जाने या सामान्य कार्य गर्न सक्नेहुन्छ । हेभी एक्सरसाइज गर्नुहुँदैंन । यसका बारेमा आफ्नै मुटुरोग विशेषज्ञसंग छलफल गर्नुपर्छ । यौनक्रिया र गाडी चलाउनेबारे : यौनक्रियामा संलग्नता र गाडी चलाउने काम ३ हप्तापछि गर्न मिल्छ । तर, यसबारे पनि डाक्टरको सल्लाह लिनुपर्छ । खानाका बारेमा : खानामा नुन, चिनी र चिल्लो कम गर्नुपर्छ । सागपात र फलफुल बढी खानुपर्छ । खाना खाएपछि तुरुन्तै हिड्नु हुँदैंन । खाना थोरै–थोरै बरु धेरैपटक खान मिल्छ । मुटु रोगीले दिउँसो खाना खाएपछि एकछिन भएपनि सुत्नु वा आराम गर्नु जरुरी छ । धूमपान र मदिरा सेवनका बारेमा : हृदयाघात भइसकेका व्यक्तिले एउटासमेत चुरोट सेवन गर्न मिल्दैन । अरुले सेवन गरेको धुवाँले पनि नराम्रो असर गर्छ । स्वास्थ्येखबर बाट
Laughter can bring people together and establish amazing connections. Laughter can increase your overall sense of well-being. Laughter is such things which encourage us to become positive and it also build positive mind and behavior. Doctors have found that people who have a positive laugh on life tend to fight diseases better than people who tend to be more negative. Laughter strengthens your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use. Laughter makes you feel good. Laughter helps you relax and recharge. Laughter lowers body stress and builds good mind. Laughter reduces stress and increases energy, enabling you to stay focused and accomplish more. Laughter Reduce certain stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. We change physiologically when we laugh.
When you watch this funny video you will be laugh with big sound. This video is related to entertainment and joy. When you look this video you laugh which is good for health. So, laugh by producing big voice one time at day.As we know all Niraj Nepal who is the famous and comedian of Nepal. Till now, he sung many songs in Nepali Music. In his comedy we get one type of entertainment and enjoy. Comedies are so popular and famous. Many audiences listen and watch his videos. From his comedy Nepali audiences get entertainment.
Wishing to send a greeting message to a newly wedded couple and looking for some inspiration? Writing a high quality greeting words to congratulate on this special occasion is not very easy. But don't worry, because on this page we present lots of nice and original wishes for newly married couple. Take a look at our chosen messages and pick up the best one.
Dear newly married couple, the most important and spectacular phase in your life has already started. You’ve decided to start a family. May all your plans and hopes on it become true! Congratulations on your wedding!
Being a member of a family is a great pleasure, but also a big responsibility. But I believe that you’ll cope with your new duties perfectly. Enjoy family harmony in full. Congratulations!
Love is the greatest power: it’s able to take people up to the skies, but it’s also able to break them. And I wish with all my heart that you would have only ups in your life. Congratulations on your wedding, my beloved newly weds!
They say that a good beginning makes a good ending and today is going to be a very exciting day – the beginning of your family life. And I believe that your love story is going to have a happy end. Or no end at all. Congratulations!
Dear groom, look at your amazing bride – she is just lighting up with joy. Now, sweet bride, look at your handsome groom – he can’t even express his feelings. Try to keep your faces that happy forever. Congratulations on your wedding!
Three simple words “I love you” will never be enough. Never stop showing your love to each other. Never stop loving each other. Congratulations on getting married!
Marriage is incredible. It’s able to make people experience things they thought they would never experience and learn things they thought they would never know. Congratulations on your wedding and lots of love!
People say that real love must go through many tests. And I wish you from all my heart to stand these tests and keep the love till the end. Congratulations on your wedding, my beloved bride and groom!
Family is some kind of a magic place, where one can get love, care, tenderness and understanding. Family is intended to heal us, not hurt. That’s why I wish you two to give each other only positive emotions. Congratulations on your wedding!
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Short wedding wishes
Dear newly weds, there are only a few truly meaningful events in people’s life and wedding is one of them. So I wish you to keep this beautiful day in your memories forever. Congratulations and good luck in family life!
Congratulations on this special occasion! I’m sure you receive a lot of all kind of wishes or advices. Still I want to wish you both to have the most amazing years to come in harmony and filled with joy and happiness
ABU DHABI // Nepalese workers applying to come to the UAE are being rejected at a rate of about 10 a day, the country’s embassy has said.
The rejections make up about one third of the daily applicants, and the figure is growing due to stringent measures enforced by the government in Kathmandu in an attempt to safeguard the country’s citizens from exploitation and trafficking.
Just last month 35 government officials in Nepal were arrested for allegedly sending 77 workers to Qatar illegally. The 17 department of foreign employment officials and 18 from the department of immigration face jail for forging documents that allowed the workers to travel illegally.
"The embassy is flooded with workers’ demands lately and, after the arrest of some 35 senior officers in Kathmandu, they are not allowing anyone to flout the country’s laws as they are afraid of being sacked or getting arrested, so nobody takes bribes," said Dhananjay Jha, the Nepalese ambassador to the UAE.
Every individual or group visa application, whether for work or for visiting, has to be approved by the embassy in Abu Dhabi.
rule, which was agreed a year ago but only enforced in recent months, has essentially banned any visit by a Nepalese citizen to the UAE unless they have approval from the embassy.
"The government has made this mandatory as when workers are dealt with directly they are exploited. They are brought here on a visit visa then are sent somewhere else, using the UAE as an easy destination to move people around," he said.
"People bring women on visit visas and push them to work as housemaids and, sometimes, send them to other countries."
When asked about citizens’ freedom of movement, Mr Jha said the rules were for the good of the Nepalese people.
"They have the right to freedom of movement but these steps are for their own safety and benefit," he said.
"This is awkward but when they come and have problems here, the state has to help them out. They come on a visit visa and travel to Iraq and Afghanistan for lucrative offers and get stuck there, then the country helps them."
Heera Devi Paudel, a labour attache at the embassy, said that if a worker does not have any blood relatives in the UAE, their visa will not be approved.
She added that criteria for work visas involves assessing factors such as salary, accommodation and the reputation of the company and then the embassy follows up with the workers once they are settled into their jobs. If the workers are unhappy, the embassy will not deal with the company again.
The issues of exploitation and trafficking are becoming more severe for Nepal as more of its citizens arrive here.
Two years ago there were 145,000 Nepalese expatriates in the UAE. Now, that figure is closer to 200,000, the ambassador said.
Labourers from Nepal are also less costly to hire than those from many other countries – a Nepalese worker can be recruited for about Dh900 to Dh1,000 a month, but a Filipino, for example, could not be hired at this salary range, the ambassador added.
Ms Paudel said: "We reject 10 to 12 workers’ applications every day at the mission.
"Now, in Nepal, the government has tightened the noose on corrupt officials and so nobody takes the risk of being nabbed."
She said that, previously, only about one third of visa applications came through the embassy but now all applications do.
The only exception to that is for group visas for more than 50 people, which can still be processed through the government in Kathmandu. This facilitates the need for workers from large, reputable businesses.
There is a difference between massage parlour and brothel houses. Massage parlours are for providing body massages and healthy living. Brothels, on the other hand places where commercial s*x workers provide s*xual services to their clients. Apparently, there is a correlation between these two services in Nepal. Massage parlors in Nepal do not only provide you with a revitalising massage but also have a lot more to offer. Prostitution, as we know is illegal in Nepal, due to which brothel owners do so through massage parlors, cabin restaurants and dance bars. Most of the s*x workers of Nepal prefer a job in massage parlors and dance bars rather than on the streets as they can be safe from the police raids and also maintain their social status with a better earning.
Most of the s*x workers are illiterate, unaware of the pros and cons of being a prostitute. S*x workers, definitely get a short-term relief from poverty but in the long run, they can suffer from social trauma and s*xually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS. Legal or illegal
There are some countries like, Netherlands, Germany, Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Belize, Latvia, Bangladesh and some parts of Australia and America where the policies related to prostitution are more liberal. They also have some legalised brothel houses. But there are also countries like North Korea, Sudan, Iran and Saudi Arabia, where prostitution is considered a serious crime and if found guilty, the punishment is death. There is no uniformity among European nations regarding the legalisation of prostitution. Despite being illegal, prostitution is carried out in some African countries due to the social breakdown and poverty caused by civil war. Prostitution is illegal in India, Nepal, Bhutan and Pakistan but is still going on in various disguised forms. Among Asian countries, s*x tourism is quite popular in Thailand.
Forced sale of s*x
Poverty and unemployment in rural areas force individuals or families to migrate to the urban areas. The Poverty Reduction Strategy paper shows that about 38 percent of the Nepali population is living under US $1 per day, and 82 percent under US $2 per day. In reality, no girl is interested in selling her body for money, but they end up being a prostitute as they don’t have any other way out. The government of Nepal does not have proper policies regarding prostitution. The Human Trafficking Control Act of Nepal was passed in 1986 with the aim of putting an end to trafficking in the form of prostitution, but is still ineffective.
There are many young girls and women from rural areas who are trafficked by promising them better jobs but end up as s*x workers. Women from the Dalit, indigenous and traditionally marginalised groups mostly fall prey to such false promises. Every year around 5000 to 10000 girls are trafficked from Nepal India, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Arabian countries for prostitution. Studies also show that around 30-38 percent of the trafficked victims are HIV positive. India is the safest and easiest destination for trafficking as Nepal and India share an open border.
Legalise prostitution
The Government of Nepal will never tolerate s*x tourism but the issue has to be properly addressed. Prostitution carried out through illegal means is a risk to society. So it would be better to legalise prostitution and separate the red light zone. Legalisation of prostitution will provide legal protection and employment to the s*x workers and in some way, will also help in minimising s*x- related crimes. Besides that, the government should also provide s*x education to s*x workers on reproductive health; precautions and contraceptives use along with regular health check-up facilities. To avert the possibility of child prostitution the government should place a age bar along with the licensing system for s*x workers.
More than 100 corpses, many of them children, have been found washed up in a shallow tributary of the River Ganges.
Officials do not suspect a crime, and instead believe the dead were given water burials. It is Indian custom not to cremate unwed girls, and many poor people cannot afford cremation.
But their discovery has sparked renewed concerns about the health of the Ganges, a sacred river where millions of Hindus cremate their dead. +5
Grim find: Some of the more than 100 bodies found washed up in a tributary to the River Ganges, who are believed to be people whose families could not afford to cremate them or else girls given water burials +5
Macabre: Bodies are seen floating in Ganges river near Pariyar. Officials do not suspect a crime, but instead believe the dead were given water burials
The 102 bodies were found floating near the village of Pariyar, in Uttar Pradesh, India's most-populous state.
They were too badly decomposed for post-mortem examinations or identification, officials said. DNA testing is being done to determine where the bodies might have come from.
'Once we will complete all the legal formalities, these bodies will be buried to avoid spread of diseases,' Sub-Divisional Magistrate Saryua Shukla said.
Controversial model,Tirsana Budathoki is renowned in Nepali model world as one of the most talkative and controversial girl. Recently in an interview,she walked off from interview saying some rude words with disrespect behavior. During interview,she was compared with "Archana Paneru" in which she got fired and threw her anger to interviewer. Though she has been appeared in many music videos,she still lacks some knowledge and intellectual mind,lots of viewers says.Controversial model,Tirsana Budathoki is renowned in Nepali model world as one of the most talkative and controversial girl. Recently in an interview,she walked off from interview saying some rude words with disrespect behavior. During interview,she was compared with "Archana Paneru" in which she got fired and threw her anger to interviewer. Though she has been appeared in many music videos,she still lacks some knowledge and intellectual mind,lots of viewers says.
She was born on 27th Ashad in Dhading. She has 3 siblings, one brother and two sisters. As for her education and schooling, she started her schooling at Shree Karki Gau Ma Vi, Dhading till 8th grade and then later joined in 9th grade at Shree Achene Higher Secondary School and completed her SLC there. After completing her SLC, she shifted to Manamaiju, Kathmandu with her family. She did her +2 at Man Mohan Memorial College located in Sorhakhutte, Kathmandu and later she pursued her Bachelor in Art.
Trisana Budathoki did some dance trainings for 3 months from the famous Dipak KC and then took some advanced dance classes from Narayan Rijal. In addition she also took some acting classes to make sure those two skills would not be a weak point in her career.
Firstly Trisana Budathoki started her own business by opening her own cold store in Thamel and then started her own café business in Newroad.She then introduced herself with Rudra Kuikel who offered her to feature in a music video. Finally she debut as a model from the song Sarab Piuna Jau by Sworrup Raj Acharya. Later she introduced herself with the Ranjan Rijal who then introduced her with the amazing singer Parshuram Rijal and she then got the opportunity to feature in his song. Soon after her first music video she featured in another music video Ago salkai Mutu Bhitra by Parshuram Rijal. After those two songs she was noticed by many directors. She start to got offers and Trisana has starred in more than 2 dozen songs.
She also starred in some Nepali movies as an actress like The Real Artist, What is Love etc.- See more at: http://likenepal.com/blog/model/tirsana-budhathokia/#sthash.G0hAYVpM.dpuf
Open defecation is the practice of people defecating outside and not into a designated toilet. The term is widely used in literature about water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) issues in developing countries. Open defecation causes public health problems in areas where people defecate in fields, urban parks, rivers, and open trenches in close proximity to the living space of others.
Eliminating open defecation is the main aim of improving access to sanitation worldwide and is a proposed indicator for sustainable development goals. Even if toilets are available, people still need to be convinced to refrain from open defecation and use toilets. Therefore, the need for behavioural change is critical in addition to the provision of toilets. A preference for open defecation may be due to traditional cultural practices or lack of access to toilets, or both.[1]
Extreme poverty and lack of sanitation are statistically linked. Eliminating open defecation is said to be an important part of development efforts.[2] High levels of open defecation in a country are usually correlated with a high child mortality, as well as high levels of undernutrition, high levels of poverty, and large disparities between rich and poor.[3](p11)
About one billion people, or 15 percent of the global population, practice open defecation.[3](page v) India has the highest number of people practicing open defecation, around 490 million people, or nearly a third of the population.[4] Most of it occurs in rural areas, where the prevalence is estimated at 52 percent of the population, as opposed to urban areas, where prevalence is estimated at 7.5 percent.[5] The other countries with the highest number of people openly defecating are Indonesia (54 million), followed by Pakistan (41 million),[6][7][8] Nigeria (39 million), Ethiopia (34 million), and Sudan (17 million).[
Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ will be on a state visit to India from September 15-18. The visit is expected to put an end to the rising tension between both countries over the Himalayan country’s new constitution that lead to widespread protests by Indian-origin Madhesi people.
This will be Prachanda’s first bilateral visit abroad after assuming office in August. He will be accompanied by a high-level delegation, and will be meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 16.
Prachanda succeeded KP Oli on August 4 amid tension between India and Nepal over the latter’s new constitution. Matters took an ugly turn last year when protests by the Madhesi people in Nepal claimed more than 40 lives, leading to a total shutdown of the border areas. The protests continued till February 2016.
The visit was finalised last month when Nepal’s Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Bimalendra Nidhi came here to meet Indian officials, sources told BusinessLine.
Nepal’s constitution, promulgated on September 20, 2015, failed to meet the demands of the Madhesis, who are an indigenous tribe hailing from Nepal’s Tarai region. They, along with other such tribes, had asked for greater representation, clearly demarcated areas exclusively for them and citizenship.
India had also given tacit support to these demands. Nepal’s government, then under Oli, blamed India for the blockade at the border areas that resulted in complete stoppage of essential supplies to the country.
However, prior to his visit, Prachanda said in Kathmandu that these problems would be resolved by next month. According to sources, he is visiting India to discuss mainly this issue and how to put an end to the agitation that is still simmering.
He also said the focus of his visit to India would be to seek more support from India in the aftermath of the earthquakes there, hydropower trade pacts and postal highway.
“I am confident that the visit (to India) would not only normalise the relations that went through some bitter experience in the recent past, but also build a strong foundation for mutual trust,” he told the International Relations and Labour Committee of Parliament in Kathmandu.
Prachanda is already facing the ire of his people over Nepal’s ballooning trade deficit with India. There is a possibility that the Nepal Prime Minister might seek duty-free access for some Nepalese goods and reduction in non-tariff barriers.
“The visit of the Prime Minister of Nepal will provide an opportunity for both sides to discuss issues of mutual interest and concern, as well as seek ways to strengthen the age old, close and friendly ties between the two countries in diverse sectors,” stated a release issued by the Ministry of External Affairs on Monday.
i have never had s*x before, its not that I didn't have an opportunity but I was kind reluctant,coz its kinda funny to me sleeping wid anyone without being in a relationship,apparantly iv never been in a serious relationship with anyone,now my question to girls would be is it meant to be emberassing / do you like guys without any s#xual experience?
Hey! You know what, that can actually be a good thing. For one: NO STD'S! And then again who knows, you may run into a girl that may want to mold and make you into what she wants you to be. I wouldn't sweat it because you may find a woman that likes to take control s%xually because some women are like that. No big deal because everyone had to start somewhere. Also, some girls may think that is sweet (not like queer!) but sort of innocent like and adorable. Furthermore, when your partner finds out that you are a virgin she may get a boost of confidence to have her way with you in the bed. Her knowing that you may not know if she is doing something wrong is a leg up for her and gives her confidence and courage to be herself in the bed. Plus, it is a turn on for her to know that
Workers in Qatar renovating a 2022 World Cup stadium have suffered human rights abuses two years after the tournament's organizers drafted worker welfare standards in the wake of criticism, Amnesty International said.
Dozens of construction workers from Nepal and India were charged recruitment fees by agents in their home countries, housed in squalid accommodation and barred from leaving the country by employers in Qatar who confiscated their passports, Amnesty said in a report released on Thursday.
The head of Qatar’s Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy, which is responsible for the delivery of all tournament-related infrastructure, said Amnesty had identified challenges in worker conditions and Doha was working to reduce these kinds of abuses which he said occur on construction sites all over the world.
Amnesty said it interviewed 132 workers involved in the rebuilding of the Khalifa stadium, a vast sporting complex in Doha that is part of a $200 billion construction boom in the gas-rich Gulf state that will host a World Cup quarter-final.
The alleged ill treatment of workers on a high-profile project raises questions about recent reforms in the country that has said it will improve foreign workforce conditions.
Hassan Al Thawadi, Qatar's 2022 committee chief, said Amnesty had highlighted "malpractices" faced by some of the 5,100 construction workers building stadiums, a figure set to increase seven-fold to 36,000 in the next two years.
"We've always recognized that we don't have a magic wand that could fix the matter from the very beginning," Thawadi told reporters in Doha on Monday, calling the World Cup a "catalyst for change". "We're resolving gaps day by day."
The Amnesty report pointed to abuses by small sub-contractors brought in to work on Khalifa stadium who do not appear to have been vetted by the tournament's organizers.
The watchdog group said staff from one labor-supply firm threatened to withhold pay and report workers to police to exact labor from migrants ,which the group called "forced labor".
FIFA's new leadership has been under pressure to ensure Qatar delivers better standards for workers before World Cup construction peaks in 2017.
The Swiss-based body said in a statement on Thursday it would urge government authorities in Qatar to take action and ensure newly-drafted labor standards became a benchmark for construction projects in Qatar.
Amnesty's Gulf researcher Mustafa Qadri said Qatar has improved "very visible" aspects of labor conditions like safety and worker accommodation but many "hidden abuses," including threats to workers and failure to honor pay contracts, persist.
"In Qatar the employer still controls the livelihood of a worker in a very expansive way," he said.
Since winning the World Cup in 2010, Qatar has spent tens of billions of dollars on a new port, metro system and airport. Hundreds of thousands of south Asians were recruited and they account for 94 percent of the 2.1 million population.
Following persistent criticism from rights groups of its 'Kefala' sponsorship laws, Qatar last year introduced electronic payment of salaries and created an appeal process for workers if employers do not sanction their leaving the country.
Drinking too much – on a single occasion or over time – can take a serious toll on your health. Here’s how alcohol can affect your body:
Brain: Alcohol interferes with the brain’s communication pathways, and can affect the way the brain looks and works. These disruptions can change mood and behavior, and make it harder to think clearly and move with coordination.
Heart: Drinking a lot over a long time or too much on a single occasion can damage the heart, causing problems including: Cardiomyopathy – Stretching and drooping of heart muscle Arrhythmias – Irregular heart beat Stroke High blood pressure
Research also shows that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol may protect healthy adults from developing coronary heart disease.
Liver: Heavy drinking takes a toll on the liver, and can lead to a variety of problems and liver inflammations including: Steatosis, or fatty liver Alcoholic hepatitis Fibrosis Cirrhosis
Pancreas: Alcohol causes the pancreas to produce toxic substances that can eventually lead to pancreatitis, a dangerous inflammation and swelling of the blood vessels in the pancreas that prevents proper digestion.
Cancer: Drinking too much alcohol can increase your risk of developing certain cancers, including cancers of the: Mouth Esophagus Throat Liver Breast
Immune System: Drinking too much can weaken your immune system, making your body a much easier target for disease. Chronic drinkers are more liable to contract diseases like pneumonia and tuberculosis than people who do not drink too much. Drinking a lot on a single occasion slows your body’s ability to ward off infections – even up to 24 hours after getting drunk.
After the Federation of Malaya became independent from the United Kingdom in August 1957, many Gurkhas became soldiers in the Malayan armed forces, especially in the Royal Ranger Regiment. Others became security guards, mainly in the urban areas. The number of Nepalese workers going to Malaysia has increased in the recent years due to the recovery from global recession and the removal of levy. Nepalese foreign employment agencies think that Malaysia might revise its decision to absorb labour from Nepal. As far as Malaysia is concerned, Nepal is the second largest labour supplying country after Indonesia.[4] Most Nepalis work in small restaurants, hotels, factories and industries.[5] Recently, the Malaysian government has decided to stop hiring Nepalese workers, reasoning that they want to give priority to their own increasing number of unemployed countrymen.[6]
In Malaysia, Nepalese workers have formed 73 organisations related to political parties. Malaysia is also famous among the returnees as well because 30 percent working currently in Malaysia have re-visited there for work and 20 percent are those have gone to the country after coming back from Gulf countries. It is estimated that there are about 0.2 million foreign illegal workers in Malaysia with about 50,000 from Nepal alone. In March 2010, Malaysian authorities have arrested over 500 Nepalis working and staying illegally along with illegal workers from other countries from various factories and industries they were working.[7] Issues[edit]
Many Nepalese workers in Malaysia have been cheated by their Nepalese recruiters and some have been exploited by their Malaysian employers. Most of them were deceived by their recruiters in Kathmandu, who had promised hundreds of dollars a month in salary, benefits and easy work. After they arrived in Malaysia they earned less than half the amount stated in their contracts. The plight of Nepalese workers abroad is not new and many recruiters and employers in Malaysia continue to get away with exploitation because the workers have nowhere to turn. Ironically, it seems the Malaysian government is more concerned about the welfare of Nepalese workers than the Nepalese government.
Another concern is that the deaths of Nepalese workers in Malaysia have significantly increased with at least 81 aspirants having died within the first six months of 2010. According to the Nepalese embassy at Kuala Lumpur, road accidents, chronic disease, workplace and even suicide cases has been identified as the cause for deaths.
लहान । पूर्व पश्चिम राजमार्गअन्तर्गत सिरहाको गोलबजार नगरपालिका–३ स्थित सडकमा आज बिहान यात्रुवाहक बस पुलमा ठोक्किएर भएको दुर्घटनामा चालकको मृत्यु भएको छ भने एक यात्रु घाइते भएका छन् ।
काठमाडौँबाट यात्रु लिएर कांकडभिट्टा आउँदै गरेको ना६ख ४९७७ नम्बरको फिफा बस बिहान ५ बजेतिर अनियन्त्रित भई सडक छेउमा रहेको पुलमा ठोक्किएर पल्टिँदा बसका चालक ३५ वर्षीय श्याम ढकालको घटनास्थलमा नै मृत्यु भएको इलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय गोलबजारले जनाएको छ।
बसमा सवार ३३ जनामध्ये ललितपुर नख्खु–१४ निवासी ३२ वर्षीय सुरेश देवकोटा घाइते भएको र उनको विराटनगरस्थित भूमिका अस्पतालमा उपचार भइरहेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । रासस लहान । पूर्व पश्चिम राजमार्गअन्तर्गत सिरहाको गोलबजार नगरपालिका–३ स्थित सडकमा आज बिहान यात्रुवाहक बस पुलमा ठोक्किएर भएको दुर्घटनामा चालकको मृत्यु भएको छ भने एक यात्रु घाइते भएका छन् ।
काठमाडौँबाट यात्रु लिएर कांकडभिट्टा आउँदै गरेको ना६ख ४९७७ नम्बरको फिफा बस बिहान ५ बजेतिर अनियन्त्रित भई सडक छेउमा रहेको पुलमा ठोक्किएर पल्टिँदा बसका चालक ३५ वर्षीय श्याम ढकालको घटनास्थलमा नै मृत्यु भएको इलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय गोलबजारले जनाएको छ।
बसमा सवार ३३ जनामध्ये ललितपुर नख्खु–१४ निवासी ३२ वर्षीय सुरेश देवकोटा घाइते भएको र उनको विराटनगरस्थित भूमिका अस्पतालमा उपचार भइरहेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । रासस
If you are a novice, it is important to learn a few basic swimming techniques so you can feel safe in the water. If you master these basic techniques first, you will feel more at ease and relaxed when you tackle the popular swimming strokes. This article gives you an overview about those basic techniques.
Learning basic swimming techniques can be fun! Getting Comfortable in the Water
The first step for a novice is to be able to enter the water without being afraid and to be able to control breathing once being in the water. Overcoming Fear of Water – Part 1 covers a few progressive exercises to learn how to do this. Learning How To Float
If you can’t swim, you might believe that in the water you would sink to the ground like a stone. However, this isn’t true. In fact it is very easy to float in the water as long as your lungs are filled with air. Overcoming Fear of Water – Part 2 demonstrates this.
Learning the Flutter Kick The flutter kick is a simple yet effective swimming technique where your legs execute kind of a whipping motion. As a beginner you should learn to do this technique in a prone and in a supine position. You’ll be then able to use the flutter kick to tread water and to swim dog paddle. Later on, you’ll use this technique while swimming backstroke and the freestyle stroke. How to Do the Starfish Float
The starfish float is a basic swimming technique where you float on your back with arms and legs spread apart. This article explains how to do the starfish float. Learning the Breaststroke Kick
As a beginner, it is also important to know the breaststroke kick, even though it’s more difficult to learn than the flutter kick. Beginners can use the breaststroke kick to tread water and to swim elementary backstroke. Obviously the breaststroke kick is also used while swimming breaststroke. Sculling Water
Sculling water is another basic swimming technique. Basically you float in an upright position with your head above water and with your arms extended sideways at shoulder level.You use quick sweeping movements of your arms at the water surface to stay afloat. This technique is best used in combination with a kicking movement of the feet (see below). Treading Water
Treading water allows you to stay afloat in the same spot while keeping your head above water and your body upright. It is a very useful technique when you need to orient yourself in the water or to observe something that happens around you on land.
Learning how to tread water is easy once you know how to flutter kick and how to scull water. Treading water is then simply a matter of being able to combine both swimming techniques.
The biological and geological future of Earth can be extrapolated based upon the estimated effects of several long-term influences. These include the chemistry at Earth's surface, the rate of cooling of the planet's interior, the gravitational interactions with other objects in the Solar System, and a steady increase in the Sun's luminosity. An uncertain factor in this extrapolation is the ongoing influence of technology introduced by humans, such as climate engineering,[2] which could cause significant changes to the planet.[3][4] The current Holocene extinction[5] is being caused by technology[6] and the effects may last for up to five million years.[7]In turn, technology may result in the extinction of humanity, leaving the planet to gradually return to a slower evolutionary pace resulting solely from long-term natural processes.[8][9]
Over time intervals of hundreds of millions of years, random celestial events pose a global risk to the biosphere, which can result in mass extinctions. These include impacts by comets or asteroids with diameters of 5–10 km (3.1–6.2 mi) or more, and the possibility of a massive stellar explosion, called a supernova, within a 100-light-year radius of the Sun, called a Near-Earth supernova. Other large-scale geological events are more predictable. If the long-term effects of global warming are disregarded, Milankovitch theory predicts that the planet will continue to undergo glacial periods at least until the Quaternary glaciation comes to an end. These periods are caused by variations in eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession of the Earth's orbit.[10] As part of the ongoing supercontinent cycle, plate tectonics will probably result in a supercontinent in 250–350 million years. Some time in the next 1.5–4.5 billion years, the axial tilt of the Earth may begin to undergo chaotic variations, with changes in the axial tilt of up to 90°.
During the next four billion years, the luminosity of the Sun will steadily increase, resulting in a rise in the solar radiation reaching the Earth. This will result in a higher rate of weathering of silicate minerals, which will cause a decrease in the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In about 600 million years from now, the level of CO2 will fall below the level needed to sustain C3 carbon fixation photosynthesis used by trees. Some plants use the C4 carbon fixation method, allowing them to persist at CO 2 concentrations as low as 10 parts per million. However, the long-term trend is for plant life to die off altogether. The extinction of plants will be the demise of almost all animal life, since plants are the base of the food chain on Earth.[11]
In about one billion years, the solar luminosity will be 10% higher than at present. This will cause the atmosphere to become a "moist greenhouse", resulting in a runaway evaporation of the oceans. As a likely consequence, plate tectonics will come to an end, and with them the entire carbon cycle.[12] Following this event, in about 2−3 billion years, the planet's magnetic dynamo may cease, causing the magnetosphere to decay and leading to an accelerated loss of volatiles from the outer atmosphere. Four billion years from now, the increase in the Earth's surface temperature will cause a runaway greenhouse effect, heating the surface enough to melt it. By that point, all life on the Earth will be extinct.[13][14] The most probable fate of the planet is absorption by the Sun in about 7.5 billion years, after the star has entered the red giant phase and expanded to cross the planet's current orbit.