Sunday, June 11, 2017

१० बर्षको कलिलो उमेरमा सेक्सको भोगी,मुखमैथुन सबैभन्दा बेस्ट-भूमिका(भिडियो)

News Update | 9:32 AM |

I have learned from my personal experience that this can be a very serious and troubling question from a person who is this age, or in this age range (10 - 12 years or younger). (If you are only 10 or 11 years old, this is going to be a long answer, but if the question is serious, you deserve a serious answer.)

There are several questions wrapped into one here. 1) CAN a boy of 11 years of age have s#x (with anyone) 2) CAN a girl of 10 years of age have s#x (with anyone) 3) should a boy or girl of these ages have s#x, 4) is it legal for s#x between a boy of 11 and a girl of 10, and 5) [implied] if this has already happened what should [I] do about it in the future. At the moment that I am writing this answer, this question has been much neglected, or not taken very seriously (except as a question of the morality of “should”) so I will try to look at a few of the other questions and possible answers.

The fundamental answer to questions 1) and 2) above is “yes” it is possible. It is even fairly possible that it could be pleasant and pleasurable for both a boy and girl of these ages, assuming that both were consenting and that this consent was because of feelings of mutual attraction. It would likely be painful if either one is less than excited about it. Yes, I would say it could be “love” at those ages. Love is relatively unlikely to be more than a mutual attraction that early in one’s life, but certainly there are plenty of cases of young people who met in junior high school (just a year or two away for you) and married when they finished high school, or at some time later in life because they had formed a true lifelong bond which regardless of other details is certainly a kind of love. There are, of course, a majority of people in Western culture who will deny that “true love” is even possible in “children” so young, but few, if any who have a convincing argument that their definition of “true” love is any different than what most people feel toward one another. So, yes, an 11 year old boy be in love with a 10 year old girl. Does that justify having s#x with her?

There are two basic meanings to “justify”. The first comes from “justice”, meaning, “Is it legal?” NO, it is against the law in almost every place in the Western hemisphere. Some places in the Eastern hemisphere it would be perfectly legal, and likely to happen after the wedding ceremony. (People in many parts of the world get married to people chosen by their parents as part of a family strategy for an alliance of wealth or business, not for something as silly as “love”.) The other meaning of “justify”m which really is the same except that it is not based on the law, but the law is based on this meaning. It means is it fair, reasonable, and moral (whatever your morality may be, and that is usually dependant on “what your parents taught you”, typically based on the religious teachings they received, though sometimes based on your own judgement when you have thought about it a lot). In that sense it is not “wrong” unless it is wrong for you by your own judgement which admittedly is not very complex at that age. I hope that helps you think about your own answers to questions 3) and 4) as I outlined above.

Question 5 is also important, perhaps the most important. If this has already happened [s#x between 10 and 11 year old people] I remind you that it is illegal in all of the Western hemisphere, and most places in the rest of the world except under special circumstances [as mentioned above, for instance]. So, please be clear about what you mean by “have s#x”. Usually that means a male placing his penis inside the female’s vagina. There are a lot of other things that are different forms of “s#x”, but this is the common one. At the age of 10 or 11, s#x is such a taboo subject that you may have heard that other acts are “s#x” which are not s#x in the usual sense, but may have been referred to as “s#x” either by your parents (while telling you what “not to do” to a person of the opposite gender) or your friends who had that kind of lecture from their parents (the “what not to do on a date” lecture). “Having s#x” is not: touching parts of another person’s body that you have been told not to touch, nor is it being touched in places you have been told not to let anyone touch you. Why do I mention this? Because if the other person is doing something to you that you do not want them to do, then you probably should tell someone (one of those people they call an “adult”, probably your parents, or your group home counsellor), but be careful that what you tell then is not exactly accurate. If it is your parents, they will probably spend the first couple of hours “flipping out”, going crazy, and yelling and making threats, but if your report gets to the police or a social worker at Child Protective Services, or someone else connected to law enforcement or the “protection of children” (usually protecting them from starvation, beatings and s#x) it will almost certainly ruin the other person’s (the boy or girl) life, in a very literal sense, possibly even spending time in prison, nearly impossible to get a job after that or most “normal” things.

If it has happened, and you suddenly feel an urge to “confess” (even to a priest) if it was something you mutually wanted and felt good about, sharing intimacy, sharing loving feelings, don’t tell someone because you feel you “should”. Don’t tell a girlfriend, or another boyfriend later in life, this is one of those, “it was our choice, and our secret and no one else gets to know.” Especially don’t decide you will “get back” at this person if they find that they truly love someone else (6 months feels like forever when you are 10 years old) (6 months feel like “last week” to someone who is 70 years old). This kind of “revenge” for something you both chose to do is, as I said before, a terrible thing for the other person, something that could ruin their whole life for the entire rest of their life (worse, in fact, than a life sentence in prison) and really not at all on the same scale as the time you did enjoy together.

Am I recommending that an 11 year old boy have s#x with a 10 year old girl? No, I am not. Is it a terrible thing? Not if it is from mutual loving and caring about one another, whether that feeling lasts for 6 months or 30 years, it is not “a bad thing” just because some people have rules against it or will tell you that it is completely “wrong”.

If you are a person in this position, I hope this “discussion” has been helpful to you making up your own mind about what you want to do. If you want to discuss it further (anonymously or directly with me) I try always to be available to discuss matters of s#x and behaviour at any time. I have my own moral code that is right for me, but I try not to be judgemental of other people or what they believe is right for them, provided that they have given it some serious thought.

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