Tuesday, June 13, 2017

कोरियाको साइटमा नेपाली युवतीहरुको नाङ्गो भिडियो र फोटो सार्जनिक(भिडियो)

News Update | 11:24 AM | Be the first to comment!

दक्षिण कोरियाबाट सञ्चालनमा रहेको देखिएको पोर्नसाइटमा नेपाली जोडीको नांगो भिडियो यतिखेर संसारभरका लागि इन्टरनेटमा ‘टाइमपास’ बनिरहेको छ ।
तपाईंका पति अथवा ब्वाइफ्रेन्ड विदेशमा छन् ? उनीहरुसँग मस्किएर त गफ लडाउनु भएकै होला । कहिलेकाहिँ छिल्लिएर भिडियो च्याटमा पनि गर्नु भएको छ भने अब फस्नु भयो भनेर जान्नु होस ।
की नांगिनु भएको पनि छ बिचार गनुस् वर्वात होला रु तपाईंका भिडियो सार्वजनिक भएर संसारभर पुगेको हुन पनि सक्छ ।
हो, दक्षिण कोरियाबाट नेपाली चेलीकै बदनाम हुने गरी सञ्चालन भइरहेको एउटा पोर्नसाइटले संसारभरका नेपालीको नांगो भिडियो कलेक्सन गरेर यतिखेर हंगामा मच्चाइरहेको छ । कोरियाको साइटमा नेपाली यूवतीका सयौं नांगो भिडियो नेटमा देखिन थालेका छन् ।
त्यसमा नेपालबाट विदेश गएका युवाले घरमा पत्नी, प्रेमिकासँग छिल्लिएर गर्ने व्यवहारका भिडियो उस्तै अपलोड भएका छन् ।
मध्यरातिसम्म पत्नीसँग ल्यापटपमा गफिएका युवाका साथीले ल्यापटपबाट त्यस्तो क्लिप्स यो साइटमा अपलोड गरेको हुन सक्ने अनुमान गरिएको छ । कोही जानाजान आफ्ना पत्नीको नांगो भिडियो कि पो पोष्ट गर्लान् र ?
वेवसाइटमा नेपाली जोडीको नांगो भिडियो दैनिक पोष्ट बढेको छ । कहिलेकहीँ एउटादुईटा भिडियो पोष्ट भएको पाइएको छ भने संसारभरका नेपालीको धेरै भिडियो उसले संग्रह गरिसकेको छ ।
एलेक्साका अनुसार, यो साइट दक्षिण कोरियामा हेरिने साइटमा १,८९१ नम्बरमा छ भने संसारभर हेरिने साइटमा यो शनिबार ५८,४९१ मा छ ।
काठमाडौँमा केही इन्टरनेट प्रदायकले यो साइटलाई ब्लक पनि गरेका छन् । गुगलमा उसले जहाँजहाँ आफ्नो साइट ब्लक भएको छ, त्यहाँ यो सफ्वेयर नै इन्स्टल गरेर हेर्न सकिनेसमेत बनाएको छ । चीनमा फेसबुक बन्द भएपनि १० डलर तिरेर सफ्टवेयर प्रयोग गरेर फेसबुक चोरेर चलाइएजस्तै गरी यो साइटले पनि बल्क भएको ठाउँमा पनि हेर्नसकिने बनाएको छ आफूलाई ।

साइटमा एउटा भिडियो कम्तीमा ६ हजारले हेरेको पाइएको छ । कुनै पनि भिडियो यु टुवमा उपलब्ध छैन् । साइटमा नेपालका काठमाडौँ, पोखरा, धनगढी, हेटौँडा, नारायणगढका भिडियो पनि छन् ।
जसमा केटीको नाम र थर नै उल्लेख गरेर भिडियो अपलोड भएको प्रष्टै पाइन्छ ,जसले गर्दा समाजमा पछि गाह्रो पर्छ ।
मध्यरातिसम्म बुढासँग छिल्लिएर नांगै बसेर गफ गरेका कुराकानीदेखि ढोका थुनेर ब्वाइफ्रेन्डसँग भिडियो च्याट गर्दै नांगिएकी पोखराकी किशोरीको भिडियो कम्तीमा १ लाख ५५ हजारले हेरेका छन् ।
साइटमा कुनमहिना कुन भिडियो अपलोड भयो भन्नेसमेत उल्लेख छ । ‘विदेशमा रहेर बुढीसँग गफिनेहरु चैँ साथीका कारण डुबेका छन्,’ मलेसियाका एक युवकले भने, ‘एउटै ल्यापटपमा साथीहरु पालैपालो कुरा गथ्यौँ, काममा गएका बेला बदमास साथीले सोझो साथीको भिडियो साइटमा अपलोड गरिदिएछ । उनी अहिले चिन्तामा छन् ।
नेपालमै पनि सबै सहरका भिडियो यसमा अपलोड भइसकेका छन् । भिडियोका नाम नै नेपाली केटीको नाममा छन् भने ‘भण्डारीकी बुहारी नुहाउँदै गरेको’ ‘छिमेकी गुरुङ्नी भाउजु’ मगर्नी दिदि ,तामाङ्नी यूवती जस्ता नामले धेरै महिलाकै अपमान हुने गरी साइटमा भिडियो पोष्ट भइरहेका छन् ।
साइटमा धेरैजसो भिडियो पतिपत्नी र प्रेमीप्रेमिकाबीचको सहबासका पाइन्छन् । जापानमा रहेका नेपालीको भिडियो, अस्ट्रेलिया नेपालीको भिडियो भनेर पनि उल्लेख गरिएका छन् ।
यी साइटले विस्तारै भाइरल बन्दै छन् । नेपालीको व्यक्तिगत जीवन पनि बर्बाद पारिरहेको छ ।रात्रिकालीन समयमा पतिसँग गरेको गफको भिडियो एकाएक इन्टरनेटमा आयो भने गाउँमा भएकी पत्नीको मनोदशा के होला रु यस्तै ब्वाइफ्रेन्डसँग गरिएको भिडियो च्याट साइटमा आएपछि किशोरीको जीवन र प्रेममा कति ठूलो धोका होला रु उनीहरुको जीवन नै तलमाथि पर्ने अवस्थासम्म आउनसक्छ ।
साइटले आफ्नो आचारसंहितामा भनेको छ, ‘हामीले यहाँ पोस्ट गरेका भिडियोहरु बिल्कुल सहमतिमा भएका कार्यमा सीमित छन् ।’
उसले बाल यौनदुराचार, बलात्कार, मानसिक शारीरिक त्रास देखाएर गरिने यौन दुव्र्यवहारको भिडियो नहालेको जनाएको छ । यति हुँदाहुँदै पनि घरको छतबाट तल्ला घर, पल्लाघरमा नुहाइरहेका सोझा छिमेकी महिलाका भिडियो पनि पोष्ट भएका छन् ।
साइटमा झन्डै चारसय भन्दा बढी भिडियो पोष्ट भएको पाइएको छ ।कतै तपाईंको पनि व्यक्तिगत जीवनमा यसले समस्या त पार्दैछैन ? संसारभरमा हेरिएको ५८ हजार साइटमा परेको यो साइटले कतै ठूलै समस्या पो ल्याउँदैछ कि ? आफ्नै पति, प्रेमी, साथीसँग गरिएको यौनजन्य कार्यको विषयमा हेक्का राख्नु भएन भने समस्यामा पर्नु होला है । एउटा सानो गल्तीले कसैको जीवन बर्बाद नहोस् ।
अनि तपाईंका छोराछोरी ढोका थुनेर भिडियो च्याट गरिरहेका छन् भने अभिभावक चनाखो हुनुहोस् । छिमेकीले देख्ने गरी बाथरुमका झ्यालढोका खुला राखेर पनि ननांगिनुहोस् । योसाइट हेरेपछि धेरैले महसुस गर्नेछन्, ‘लौ यो भिडियोको मान्छे त देखेदेखे जस्तो लाग्छ, चिनेचिनेजस्तो लाग्छ ।’ भएन अब बर्बाद ! खबरहरु समेत अहिले बिभिन्न बल्ग साइटमा आइरहेको छ ।

ल्यापटपमा ब्लु फिल्म हेर्दै गरेको आफ्नै भएको उत्तेजना देखी कामुक हुदै युवती(भिडियो)

News Update | 11:12 AM | Be the first to comment!

It's possible he may have s#xual fantasies about you. He may have s#xual fantasies about a nebulous and nonexistent brother-sister unit. He may just have been really horny and that happened to be the first thing he found that scratched his itch on that particular day because the actress was attractive or engaged in the act that really excited him.

What I would NOT do:

· Freak out

· Make a bigger thing of it than it needs to be

· Mention it at all, to be honest, least of all to your parents (see below)

What I would do:

· If you MUST mention it, which is a judgment call only you can make, ask him if there's something you need to know. Try to do this without judging him, but while still maintaining firm boundaries.

· If there is something you need to know, then you should further find out if this is something he has any intention of acting on.

· If his answers give you a reason to believe he's hiding something that alarms you, you should go to your parents and to hell with what I wrote about things I would NOT do. He and/or you and/or the family may need counseling to get this under control before it becomes a problem.

Bottom line: Only you can know what's best for you in this situation, but the fact he was watching porn with that particular content is not presumptive evidence of anything at all except for the fact that he was watching a heteros#xual s#x act. Even if the content was depicted as taboo (and I'll lay you 20:1 odds say it was faked anyway by paid actors behaving like "amateurs"), he may not have noticed or the reason he chose that video may have been completely irrelevant to the actual reason he was watching it. If his behavior toward you is or becomes inappropriate, that's one thing. If he acts in every respect like a brother should to you, what he chooses to watch for s#xual gratification is as much your business as what you do for your own pleasure is his.

Still, though, if it really makes you uncomfortable, take it up with him and make sure he knows you're not mad...but you're also not interested in helping him live that particular dream.


प्रेमिकालाइ कोठामा बोलाइ सेक्सको लागी राजी गराउदै यी प्रेमी.अवश्य जानी राखौ(भिडियो)

News Update | 11:01 AM | Be the first to comment!

महिलाका कुन भाग बढी उत्तेजीत हन्छ भन्ने सन्दर्भ सबैको कौतुहल्ताको बिषय हुन सक्छ। महिलाको तिघ्राको भित्री भाग अत्यन्त संवेदनशील हुन्छ। उक्त भागको छाला धेरै पातलो हुन्छ र त्यहाँ कैयन् उत्तेजक तत्त्व हुन्छ । त्यसैले यो भागलाई कामोत्तेजक मानिन्छ।

यो भागमा स्नेहपूर्व भए, सुमसुम्याए वा चुम्बन गरे महिलाहरूमा कामोत्तेजना वृद्धि हुन्छ र उनीहरू यौनसम्पर्कका लागि बढी उत्प्रेरित हुन्छन् र त्यसबाट आनन्द पनि प्राप्त गर्छन्। अधिकांश पुरुष यौन सक्रियताका बेला माहिलाहरूलाई उत्तेजित गर्न तिनका एक वा दुई शारीरिक अंगमै बढी केन्द्रित हुन्छन् तर महिलाका शरीरमा कैयन् त्यस्ता अंग छन् जहाँ स्पर्श मात्र गर्दा पनि उनीहरूमा कामेच्छा जागृत हुन्छ।

१. तिघ्राको भित्री भागः तिघ्राको भित्री भाग अत्यन्त संवेदनशील हुन्छ। उक्त भागको छाला धेरै पातलो हुन्छ र त्यहाँ कैयन् उत्तेजक तत्त्व हुन्छ। त्यसैले यो भागलाई कामोत्तेजक मानिन्छ । यो भागमा स्नेहपूर्व भए, सुमसुम्याए वा चुम्बन गरे महिलाहरूमा कामोत्तेजना वृद्धि हुन्छ र उनीहरू यौनसम्पर्कका लागि बढी उत्प्रेरित हुन्छन् र त्यसबाट आनन्द पनि प्राप्त गर्छन्।

२. हातका भित्री भागः हातको भित्री भागको छ पातलो हुन्छ र त्यहाँ कैयन् उत्तेजक तत्त्व हुन्छन् । यो भागमा प्रेमपूर्ण क्रियाकलाप गर्नाले तुरु न्तै मस्तिष्कसम्म संकेत पुग्छ। यो भागमा यौनसाथीको स्पर्श मात्र पनि महिलाहरूलाई कामोत्तेजित गर्न पर्याप्त छ।

३. कानः कान पनि महिलाहरूको प्रमुख कामोत्तेजक अंगमध्ये एक हो। यो शारीरिक एवं मानसिक दुवै रूपमा कामोत्तेजित गर्न सहायक हुन्छ। महिलाहरू को कानमा प्रेमपूर्वक फुसफुसाए, चुम्बन गरे वा जिस्किए उनीहरूको कामोत्तेजना बढ्छ। यसबाहेक यौन सम्र्पकका बेला कामुक कुराकानी गर्दा पनि उनीहरू कामोत्तेजित हुन्छन्।

४. गर्दनको पछाडिको भागः गर्दन पछाडिको भागमा केश रेखाको ठीक मुनिदेखि लिएर कानपछाडिको भागसम्म अत्यन्त संवेदनशील हुन्छ । यो हिस्सामा स्पर्श वा चुम्बन गर्नाले महिलाहरूमा कामोत्तेजना जागृत हुन्छ र उनीहरूले यौनसम्पर्कमा पर्याप्त आनन्द प्राप्त गर्छन् ।

५. आँखाको परेलाः आँखाको परेला पनि महिलाहरूला कामोत्तेजित गर्न सहयोगी हुन्छ । परेलामा प्रेमपूर्व चुम्बन उत्तेजित गर्नका लागि पर्याप्त हुन्छ । परेलाको छाला पातलो हुन्छ र कैयन् उत्तेजक तत्वको उपस्थितिले त्यसलाई संवेदनशील बनाउँछ ।
६. पाइतालाः प्रायः गरी मानिसहरू यो भागलाई बेवास्ता गर्छन्, तर आश्चर्यजनक रूपले यो कामोत्तेजक अंगमध्येको एक हो । यो स्थान नर्व एन्डिङबाट भरिपूर्ण हुन्छ । फलस्वरूप यो भाग अत्यन्तै संवेदनशील हुन्छ । पाइतालाको स्पर्श मात्रले पनि महिलाहरूमा कामोत्तेजना जागृत गर्छ ।

७. हातः महिलाहरूको हात पनि उनीहरूलाई कामोत्तेजित गर्न सहायक हुन्छ । वास्तवमा हत्केलामा कैयन् दबाबबिन्दु हुन्छ । जसलाई दबाउनाले आनन्दमा वृद्धि हुन्छ ।

८. जिब्रोः जिब्रो यौन सम्पर्कका सन्दर्भमा सबैभन्दा संवेदनशील अंग हो । जिब्रोमा चुम्बन गर्ने, चुस्ने वा चाट्ने कामले महिलाहरूमा कामवासना जागृत हुन्छ ।

९. घुँडाको पछाडि भागः यहाँको छाला पातलो भए घुँडा पछाडिको भाग पनि अत्यन्त कामोत्तेजक हुन्छ । यो भागमा मुहार वा हातले रगड्नाले कामोत्तेजना सिर्जना हुन्छ र महिलाहरू यौनसम्पर्कप्रति अग्रसर हुन्छन् ।

१०. पेटको तल्लो भागः महिला शरीरको यो भाग पनि अत्यन्त संवेदनशील हुन्छ । यो भागमा हल्का हातले मसाज गर्दा वा थोरै काउकुती लगाउँदा महिलामा कामोत्तेजना बढ्छ र उनीहरू यौनसम्पर्कका लागि तत्पर हुन्छन् ।

११. पिठ्युँ : पिठ्युँ पनि पर्याप्त संवेदनशील हुन्छ । यहाँ चुम्बन गर्नाले महिलाहरू उत्तेजित त हुन्छन् नै साथै उनीहरूको तनाव पनि कम हुन्छ । यौनमा सक्रिय बनाउन यो स्थानमा आफ्नो मुहार रगड्नुपर्छ । (एजेन्सी)

नेपालीको अधिकार छ गोर्खाल्याण्डमा.यसमा विरोध गर्न उचित छैन-रामदेव बाबा.सेयर गरौ

News Update | 10:47 AM | 1 Comment so far

The Supreme Court today issued a notice to the West Bengal government on the plea of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) challenging refusal to transfer administrative powers to it.

The court also sought the West Bengal government's response over non transfer of administrative powers to the GTA.

The apex court in September last year agreed to examine GTA's plea challenging the state government's refusal to transfer administrative power and various subjects to it despite the tripartite agreement that was reached between West Bengal and the Union government in 2011.


GTA member Binay Tamang had earlier claimed that the state government's decision was "impinging upon the fundamental rights of the Gorkha people living in the hill areas of the district of Darjeeling".

The bench headed by the then Chief Justice TS Thakur asked the 2011 notification issued by the West Bengal government promising transfer of power in terms of a memorandum of agreement (MoU) to be presented before the court.

However, the officials then had said that the petition alleging state government's refusal to transfer administrative power is misleading.

"We are progressing with the matter as in a timely fashion. Of the 59 subjects, 55 have been handed over to GTA," said a senior home official.

The Union government, the West Bengal government and the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) signed a tripartite agreement on July 18, 2011 to create Gorkhaland Territorial Administration. The administration will have greater financial and administrative autonomy.
The tripartite pact gives Gorkhaland Territorial Administration powers to generate revenue.
Elections to the GTA will be held within a few months and all parties will be free to participate in the electoral process.
The GTA will have authority over civic bodies, departments of electricity and IT in the proposed Gorkhaland area. It will also be given power to control tea gardens and the crucial tea industry.
The home and police departments will, however, stay with the state government. The state and the Centre will provide money to run the administration.

बोयफ्रेनको करले भिडियो कलमा नांगिदै इटहरीकी युवती[१८+ मात्र](भिडियो)

News Update | 10:28 AM | Be the first to comment!

Laughter can bring people together and establish amazing connections. Laughter can increase your overall sense of well-being. Laughter is such things which encourage us to become positive and it also build positive mind and behavior. Doctors have found that people who have a positive laugh on life tend to fight diseases better than people who tend to be more negative. Laughter strengthens your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use. Laughter makes you feel good. Laughter helps you relax and recharge. Laughter lowers body stress and builds good mind. Laughter reduces stress and increases energy, enabling you to stay focused and accomplish more. Laughter Reduce certain stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. We change physiologically when we laugh.

When you watch this funny video you will be laugh with big sound. This video is related to entertainment and joy. When you look this video you laugh which is good for health. So, laugh by producing big voice one time at day.As we know all Niraj Nepal who is the famous and comedian of Nepal. Till now, he sung many songs in Nepali Music. In his comedy we get one type of entertainment and enjoy. Comedies are so popular and famous. Many audiences listen and watch his videos. From his comedy Nepali audiences get entertainment.

यौनउत्तेजना भएको बेला एक्लै भएकी युवती के गर्दी रहिछन?यी युवतीले खुलस्त देखाउदै(भिडियो)

News Update | 10:15 AM | Be the first to comment!

Wishing to send a greeting message to a newly wedded couple and looking for some inspiration? Writing a high quality greeting words to congratulate on this special occasion is not very easy. But don't worry, because on this page we present lots of nice and original wishes for newly married couple. Take a look at our chosen messages and pick up the best one.


Dear newly married couple, the most important and spectacular phase in your life has already started. You’ve decided to start a family. May all your plans and hopes on it become true! Congratulations on your wedding!


Being a member of a family is a great pleasure, but also a big responsibility. But I believe that you’ll cope with your new duties perfectly. Enjoy family harmony in full. Congratulations!


Love is the greatest power: it’s able to take people up to the skies, but it’s also able to break them. And I wish with all my heart that you would have only ups in your life. Congratulations on your wedding, my beloved newly weds!


They say that a good beginning makes a good ending and today is going to be a very exciting day – the beginning of your family life. And I believe that your love story is going to have a happy end. Or no end at all. Congratulations!


Dear groom, look at your amazing bride – she is just lighting up with joy. Now, sweet bride, look at your handsome groom – he can’t even express his feelings. Try to keep your faces that happy forever. Congratulations on your wedding!


Three simple words “I love you” will never be enough. Never stop showing your love to each other. Never stop loving each other. Congratulations on getting married!


Marriage is incredible. It’s able to make people experience things they thought they would never experience and learn things they thought they would never know. Congratulations on your wedding and lots of love!


People say that real love must go through many tests. And I wish you from all my heart to stand these tests and keep the love till the end. Congratulations on your wedding, my beloved bride and groom!


Family is some kind of a magic place, where one can get love, care, tenderness and understanding. Family is intended to heal us, not hurt. That’s why I wish you two to give each other only positive emotions. Congratulations on your wedding!

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Short wedding wishes


Dear newly weds, there are only a few truly meaningful events in people’s life and wedding is one of them. So I wish you to keep this beautiful day in your memories forever. Congratulations and good luck in family life!


Congratulations on this special occasion! I’m sure you receive a lot of all kind of wishes or advices. Still I want to wish you both to have the most amazing years to come in harmony and filled with joy and happiness

काम गर्ने क्रममा नेपाली कामदारको मृत्यु भएमाUAE सरकारबाट ५०००० दिरहम प्रदान.सेयर गरौ

News Update | 10:05 AM | Be the first to comment!

ABU DHABI // Nepalese workers applying to come to the UAE are being rejected at a rate of about 10 a day, the country’s embassy has said.

The rejections make up about one third of the daily applicants, and the figure is growing due to stringent measures enforced by the government in Kathmandu in an attempt to safeguard the country’s citizens from exploitation and trafficking.

Just last month 35 government officials in Nepal were arrested for allegedly sending 77 workers to Qatar illegally. The 17 department of foreign employment officials and 18 from the department of immigration face jail for forging documents that allowed the workers to travel illegally.

"The embassy is flooded with workers’ demands lately and, after the arrest of some 35 senior officers in Kathmandu, they are not allowing anyone to flout the country’s laws as they are afraid of being sacked or getting arrested, so nobody takes bribes," said Dhananjay Jha, the Nepalese ambassador to the UAE.

Every individual or group visa application, whether for work or for visiting, has to be approved by the embassy in Abu Dhabi.

rule, which was agreed a year ago but only enforced in recent months, has essentially banned any visit by a Nepalese citizen to the UAE unless they have approval from the embassy.

"The government has made this mandatory as when workers are dealt with directly they are exploited. They are brought here on a visit visa then are sent somewhere else, using the UAE as an easy destination to move people around," he said.

"People bring women on visit visas and push them to work as housemaids and, sometimes, send them to other countries."

When asked about citizens’ freedom of movement, Mr Jha said the rules were for the good of the Nepalese people.

"They have the right to freedom of movement but these steps are for their own safety and benefit," he said.

"This is awkward but when they come and have problems here, the state has to help them out. They come on a visit visa and travel to Iraq and Afghanistan for lucrative offers and get stuck there, then the country helps them."

Heera Devi Paudel, a labour attache at the embassy, said that if a worker does not have any blood relatives in the UAE, their visa will not be approved.

She added that criteria for work visas involves assessing factors such as salary, accommodation and the reputation of the company and then the embassy follows up with the workers once they are settled into their jobs. If the workers are unhappy, the embassy will not deal with the company again.

The issues of exploitation and trafficking are becoming more severe for Nepal as more of its citizens arrive here.

Two years ago there were 145,000 Nepalese expatriates in the UAE. Now, that figure is closer to 200,000, the ambassador said.

Labourers from Nepal are also less costly to hire than those from many other countries – a Nepalese worker can be recruited for about Dh900 to Dh1,000 a month, but a Filipino, for example, could not be hired at this salary range, the ambassador added.

Ms Paudel said: "We reject 10 to 12 workers’ applications every day at the mission.

"Now, in Nepal, the government has tightened the noose on corrupt officials and so nobody takes the risk of being nabbed."

She said that, previously, only about one third of visa applications came through the embassy but now all applications do.

The only exception to that is for group visas for more than 50 people, which can still be processed through the government in Kathmandu. This facilitates the need for workers from large, reputable businesses.

गङ्गा नदीमा जहिले लास बगेको दृश्यले सबैको ध्यानाकर्षण.के रहेछ कारण?-खुलासा(भिडियो)

News Update | 9:49 AM | Be the first to comment!

More than 100 corpses, many of them children, have been found washed up in a shallow tributary of the River Ganges.

Officials do not suspect a crime, and instead believe the dead were given water burials. It is Indian custom not to cremate unwed girls, and many poor people cannot afford cremation.

But their discovery has sparked renewed concerns about the health of the Ganges, a sacred river where millions of Hindus cremate their dead.


Grim find: Some of the more than 100 bodies found washed up in a tributary to the River Ganges, who are believed to be people whose families could not afford to cremate them or else girls given water burials


Macabre: Bodies are seen floating in Ganges river near Pariyar. Officials do not suspect a crime, but instead believe the dead were given water burials

The 102 bodies were found floating near the village of Pariyar, in Uttar Pradesh, India's most-populous state.

They were too badly decomposed for post-mortem examinations or identification, officials said. DNA testing is being done to determine where the bodies might have come from.

'Once we will complete all the legal formalities, these bodies will be buried to avoid spread of diseases,' Sub-Divisional Magistrate Saryua Shukla said.

प्रचण्डको भारत भ्रमणको क्रममा भएको थियो नसोचेको अपमान.त्यहाका गार्डले गन्दैनन प्रचण्डलाइ(भिडियो)

News Update | 9:35 AM | Be the first to comment!

Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ will be on a state visit to India from September 15-18. The visit is expected to put an end to the rising tension between both countries over the Himalayan country’s new constitution that lead to widespread protests by Indian-origin Madhesi people.

This will be Prachanda’s first bilateral visit abroad after assuming office in August. He will be accompanied by a high-level delegation, and will be meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 16.

Prachanda succeeded KP Oli on August 4 amid tension between India and Nepal over the latter’s new constitution. Matters took an ugly turn last year when protests by the Madhesi people in Nepal claimed more than 40 lives, leading to a total shutdown of the border areas. The protests continued till February 2016.

The visit was finalised last month when Nepal’s Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Bimalendra Nidhi came here to meet Indian officials, sources told BusinessLine.

Nepal’s constitution, promulgated on September 20, 2015, failed to meet the demands of the Madhesis, who are an indigenous tribe hailing from Nepal’s Tarai region. They, along with other such tribes, had asked for greater representation, clearly demarcated areas exclusively for them and citizenship.

India had also given tacit support to these demands. Nepal’s government, then under Oli, blamed India for the blockade at the border areas that resulted in complete stoppage of essential supplies to the country.

However, prior to his visit, Prachanda said in Kathmandu that these problems would be resolved by next month. According to sources, he is visiting India to discuss mainly this issue and how to put an end to the agitation that is still simmering.

He also said the focus of his visit to India would be to seek more support from India in the aftermath of the earthquakes there, hydropower trade pacts and postal highway.

“I am confident that the visit (to India) would not only normalise the relations that went through some bitter experience in the recent past, but also build a strong foundation for mutual trust,” he told the International Relations and Labour Committee of Parliament in Kathmandu.

Prachanda is already facing the ire of his people over Nepal’s ballooning trade deficit with India. There is a possibility that the Nepal Prime Minister might seek duty-free access for some Nepalese goods and reduction in non-tariff barriers.

“The visit of the Prime Minister of Nepal will provide an opportunity for both sides to discuss issues of mutual interest and concern, as well as seek ways to strengthen the age old, close and friendly ties between the two countries in diverse sectors,” stated a release issued by the Ministry of External Affairs on Monday.

ओप्पो मोबाइलले लियो ज्यान.फोनमा कुरा गर्दै मोबाइल पड्किदै गरेको LIVE दृश्य कैद(भिडियो)

News Update | 9:17 AM | Be the first to comment!

n a terrible accident, a youth's face was ripped open in Mysuru, as his mobile phone exploded the moment he answered it while the device was being charged.

The incident took place on Tuesday evening at a construction site in Banni Mantapa of Mysuru. The victim was identified as Seetharam (18), a daily wage worker from Bihar. He lives with his parents, who are masons at the site.

The youth was resting inside a make-shift tent during his break from work and had put his mobile phone on charge. According to the police, he answered as soon as his phone rang and while the device was still connected to the power source.

Referring to eyewitnesses, the police said that the phone exploded on his face as soon as he replied to the call. The blast ripped open the lower section of Seetharam's face, resulting in heavy bleeding and disfigurement.

The sound of the explosion was not loud enough for others to hear. It was only after he screamed for help that his parents and fellow workers rushed in and were shocked to see his face splattered with blood.

He was immediately rushed to the nearby JSS Hospital where he is undergoing treatment. His condition is said to be stable. According to doctors, Seetharam's face needs extensive reconstruction, as a significant portion of the lower part has been severely scalded.

Doctors said: "For now, we have sutured his face, but the scars will be visible. He has lost considerable amount of blood. We are not sure how a mobile phone could explode with such intensity that it mutilates his face as if he has met with an accident."

The parents of the victim have not lodged any official complaint regarding the incident. The police suspect that the building contractor might have drawn power directly from the high tension power line nearby resulting in rush of power. The police also suspect that the mobile phone being used by the youth was of poor quality.

The Mysuru police said: "As official complaint has not been lodged, we cannot launch a formal inquiry into the incident. Nevertheless, we referred the matter to the authority concerned (Department of Electrical Inspectorate)."

Incidents of mobile phones exploding are not uncommon, but this is for the first time that somebody in Karnataka has suffered such severe injuries.

Meanwhile the victims' friends claimed that Seetharam was using a Karbonn-branded mobile phone but the same could not be established. "The phone is so badly damaged that we cannot make out its brand. We are making inquiries," officials in the Department of Electrical Inspectorate said. So far, Karbonn Mobiles has not responded to the incident.

According to the investigators, Seetharam might have used a faulty battery or an unbranded charger. "The battery exploded resulting in the injury. We will be contacting the mobile phone company during the course of our probe," they added.

Monday, June 12, 2017

कतारमा बस्ने नेपाली माथि यसरी दिनानुदिन भुतले तर्सित गर्दै गरेको जानकारी !

News Update | 10:55 AM | Be the first to comment!

करिब ४० बर्ष अघि बलिउडमा निर्मित शोले फिल्मको डाइलग जल्दी सो जा नहीं तो गब्बर सिं आ जाएगा भनेर अमजद खानकै मानव प्राकृत स्वरुप र भीमकाय डरावना डायलग सम्झिएर तर्सिने दक्षिण एसियाली मुलका भारतीय र नेपाली मानसिकतामा अल्लाह र भगवान प्रति जति आस्था र विश्वाश छ, त्यतिकै कमजोर मानसिकता भएका अर्थात् हल्का छायाँ भएका हामी केहि नेपालीहरुमा भूतप्रेत हुन्छ भन्ने कुरामा त्यत्तिकै अदृश्य शक्ति माथि विश्वाश पनि छ ।

यहि क्याम्प हो जहा म लगायत करिब एक सय ८० जना नेपाली हरु रहन्छन र हरेक रात सन्त्रासमय निन्द्रामा रात काट्ने गर्छन
उसो त विश्वका सुप्रसिद्ध चलचित्र निर्माण नगरी हलिउड बलिउडले पनि भुतप्रेत र भट्किएको मृत आत्माको बारेमा दजनौं चलचित्र बनाएर दर्शकहरुबाट अरबौं डलर असुलेर अदृश्य , अज्ञात भूतको कथा बेची करोडपति भएका छन् । यदि यस्ता अदृश्य शक्ति सबै झुटा हुन् भने मानव मनोबल कमजोर बनाउने यस्ता चलचित्र, थ्रिलर उपन्यास निर्माण तथा प्रकाशनमा प्रतिबन्ध लगाईनुपर्छ । यस्ता उडन्ते कुराले मानसिकतामा नराम्रो असर पुर्याउँदछ । जसको मानसिक तथा मनोबिज्ञान कुप्रभावले कैयौंले आजीवन आवाज गुमाएको, पागल भएको र तर्सिएर सातो गएर तत्काल मृत्युवरण गर्न पुगेको सत्य घटनाहरु पनि छापामा आउने गरेका छन् ।

भूतप्रेत सम्बन्धी किंबदन्ती नेपालमा मात्र नभै हरेक देशमा भन्ने, सुनाउने, सुन्ने गरिन्छ र त्यहि भने, सुनेका कुराहरु प्रागकाल देखि अहिले सम्म पनि पुस्तान्तरण हुँदै गाउँघर मेलापात तथा गोठालो, बनजंगल चाहार्न जाँदा भन्दै गरिदै आईरहेको छ । अर्थात् भूतप्रेतको बारेमा वाचित कथा किंबदन्तीको रुपमा एउटाको मुखबाट अर्कोको मुखमा र अर्कोको मुखबाट अझ अर्कोको मुख र जनजिब्रोमा स्थानान्तरण हुँदै आईरहेको छ ।

यस्ता भूतप्रेतका कथा गाउँघरतिर साँझ पख खोल्मा, पिंढी तथा धन्सारमा बसेर मकै नंग्याउने अवस्थामा, समूहमा रहेर गरिने अन्य कामको अवसरमा भन्ने आमप्रचलन थियो । यस्तै भूतप्रेतको राग उराल्ने क्रममा अझ कसैकसैले त मेरो हजुरबाले त भूत संग लाप्पा खेलेर भूतलाई पछारेको, हिलोमा गाडिदिएको, वा बाउ बाजेको यस्तै पुरुषार्थ जडित कथा उरालेर बाउ बाजेले भूतलाई हराएर देखाएको बहादुरीताको दन्त्य कथा सुुनएर अलमलमा पार्ने प्रचलन औधि नै हुन्थ्यो ।

म स्वयं पनि वल्ला घर पल्ला घरमा गएर साँझ हुँदो मेरै समकालिन र आफु भन्दा साना साना भाईबहिनीहरुलाई भूतको काल्पनिक कथा सुनाइसकेर उनीहरुको मानसिकतामा डर र भ्रम भरिसकेपछि उनीहरुमा सिर्जित आतंकित चेहेरा हेर्दै आफुले कथा माध्यमबाट उनीहरुको मानसिकतामा प्रभाव जमाउन सकेकोमा ठूलो जितको महसुस गर्थें र त्यस पछि घर जाने क्रममा आफुले सुनाएको भूतको कथाबाट आफैं तर्सिएर खुट्टाको चप्पल हातमा घुसारेर पछाडि नफर्कीकन सास प्रश्वाश नै बन्द गरेर एकै पटक घर पुगेपछि मात्र लामो श्वाश तानेर भूतबाट बचेर घर आउन सफल भएकोमा आफैं दंग पर्थें भने घर आउन सफल भैसकेपछि छ्या बेक्कारमा डराएर भागेछु । नदौडिकन विस्तारी घर आएको भएपनि मलाई भूतले के पो विगार्न सक्थ्यो र भनेर अलिकति मक्किएको साहस जागेर आउने गरेको त्यस्ता आफ्नै अनुभव पनि थुप्रै छन् ।

अब प्रकारान्तारमा नै जाउँ । म कार्यरत कम्पनीको क्याम्प दोहा सहर देखि करिब ४० किलोमिटर पश्चिमोत्तर ठाउँ अबु नख्ला भन्ने स्थानमा रहेको छ । कम्पनीमा कार्यरत नेपाली, सुडानी, भारतीय मूलका सबै कर्मचारी कामदारहरुलाई यस क्याम्पमा सारिनु अघि अरु नै कम्पनीका कामदारहरु यसमा बस्दै आएका थिए र अन्यहरुको भनाई अनुसार यस्तै अदृश्य आतंकको कारण उनीहरुले क्याम्प नै छोडेर अन्यत्र गएको बताउँछन् ।

यस्तो थियो अदृश्य शक्तिबाट आतंकितहरुको अनुभव
पहिलो पटक म लगायत एउटै बिल्डिंगमा फरक फरक कोठामा बस्ने झापा गौरीगञ्जका संजय महतोलाई बत्ती निभाएर सुतेको आधा तन्द्राको बेलामा नै दुई पटक मच्चाएर गालमा पिटेको बताए । घटना घटे लगत्तै कुनै साथीले जिस्किएर पिटेको होला भनेर छेउमा भएको बत्ती बालेर हेर्दा सबै साथीहरु घुरेर सुतीरहेको देखेपछि अँध्यारोमा आएर गालमा हिर्काउने को हो त भनेर ढोकाको छेस्कनी खोलेर बाहिर नियाल्दा निष्पट्ट चुक घोप्ट्याएको जस्तो अन्धकारमा उनले केहि र कोहि पनि देखेनन् । एकटंकार संग कुकुर भुकेको आवाज मात्र आएको सुनेपछि डराउँदै फेरि कोठामा पसेर साथीहरुलाई घटनाको बारेमा बताए । साथीहरुले तेरो मनको भूतले नै तँलाई तर्साएको हो, सपनामा भूत देखेर त्यसो भएको हुन सक्ने बताएपछि सञ्जय महतो सुतेको बताए ।

त्यसको केहि दिन पछि भुईंतलामा बस्ने काठमाण्डौं थानकोटका विजय कार्कीलाई पनि आघा तन्द्राको अवस्थामा एक्कासी घाँटी थिच्न थालेपछि उनी चिच्याएर उठेको बताउँछन् उनी संगै कोठामा सुत्ने वर्दियाका राजेन्द्र आचार्य । त्यो घटनालाई पनि सबैले सपनामा ऐंठन गरेको मात्र हो । यस्तो कुनै भूतप्रेत होइन भनेर केहि समय भूतकै कथा एक अर्काले एक अर्कालाई सुनाएर सुते ।

सोहि कम्पनीमा कार्यरत बाँकेका राजेन्द्र आचार्य भन्छन , मलाइ पनि घांटी समाउन आयो !
पुनः त्यहि कोठामा सुत्ने बर्दियाका तिनै राजेन्द्र आचार्यलाई त्यसै गरी एक्कासी सास नै फेर्न नमिल्ने गरी घाँटी थिच्न थालेको र आचार्यले आफ्नो दुई हातको जोडले त्यस अदृश्य शक्तिको कंकाल हात आफ्नो घाँटी बाट छुटाएको बताउछन । सबैलाई उठाएर काठमाण्डौ थानकोटका विजय कार्की संग मिल्दोजुल्दो उस्तै प्रकृतिको घटना सुनाए ।

त्यो घटना घटेको ५,६ दिनको अन्तरालमा सोही कोठमा सुत्ने सुनसरीका अरशाद मियाँलाई पनि मध्यरातकै समयमा स्पष्ट छायाँ आफ्नो शरीर तिर बढ्दै आएको र कम्मर भन्दा मुनिको भाग अदृश्य शक्तिको छायाँले ढाकेजति चलाउन नमिलेपछि कम्मर भन्दा माथिको भाग र हात जोडले चिच्याउँदै चलाए । उक्त छायाँ कम्मर भन्दा मुनि बाट कम्मर देखि माथिल्लो भाग तिर सरेर गएपछि उनले न त हात चलाउन सके, न त पहिले झैं कराउन नै । छायाँबाट छुटेको कम्मर भन्दा मुनिको भाग चल्ने भएकोले उनले बोल्न नसकेपछि लात्ताले हिर्काएर माथि सुत्ने अर्का साथीलाई उठाए । सबै उठेर बत्ती बालेर अरशादलाई बोलाएपछि बल्ल केहि समय पछि उनी बोल्न सकेको उनका रुममा बस्ने अन्य साथीहरुले बताए । त्यो रात अरशादले अल्लाह प्रार्थना गरेर सुतेपछि त्यो रात कोठामा कुनै पनि घटना नभएको बताए ।

सुनसरीका प्रेतात्मा पिडित अर्शाद मिया भन्छन, सुतेको बेलामा मलाइ छायाले छोपेर चल्ने दिएन !
श्रृंखलाबद्ध रुपमा यस्ता घटना दोहोरिदै गएपछि क्याम्पमा रहने सबैमा एउटा अज्ञात भय र आतंक फैलिरहेकै बेला झापाकै अर्का दिलिप महतोलाई मध्य रातको १२ बजेको समयमा निदाउन लागेको बेलामा गालामा दुई थप्पड जोडले हिर्काएको कथा सबैलाई उठाएर बताउँदै रातभरि डरले जाग्राम नै रहेर बिताएको अनुभव सुनाउन आईपुगे ।

दिलिप महतो सुत्ने सोही कोठाका झापा गौरीगञ्जका श्रवण महतो भने अदृश्य शक्ति भनिएको ( भूत ?) साक्षात रुपमा नै आफुले देखेको र छातिको आधा भाग भन्दा मांसपिण्ड सहितको मानव आकृति र छातिको आधा भाग भन्दा मुनि कंकाल मात्र रहेको हड्डी मात्र भएको हातले श्रवणको घाँटी थिच्न थालेपछि आफुले पनि दुवै हातले आफ्नो घाँटीमा भएको उसको कंकाल हात छुटाएर उनी संग बेडमा नै बसेर रस्साकस्सी भएको बताए ।

यहि बेडमा सुतेका थिए तस्वीरमा देखिएका श्रवण महतो जहाँ उनि कंकाल संग कुस्ती खेलेको बताउछन !
भर्खरै मात्र निदाएका चितवन भक्तिनी बगैंचाका रुपचन्द महतोले एकले अर्कोलाई हिर्काएको आवाज आएपछि कसैले राति रक्सी खाएर आएर आफ्नो रुम पार्टनरलाई पिट्न थाल्यो भनेर बेडको माथि सुतेका रुपचन्द माथि बाट हाम्फालेर ढोका छेउमा भएको बत्ती बालेर हेर्दा तस्वीरमा देखाएको अवस्थामा श्रवणलाई छाती भित्र बाट निस्किएको घ्यार घ्यार आवाज संगै बेडमा चढ्ने सिंढी भित्र पसेको टाउको उनी जोडले बाहिर निकाल्न खोजे जस्तो मुद्रामा बल गरिरहेका थिए भने अदृश्य शक्तिले चाहिँ उनको घाँटीमा समातेर फलामे डण्डीको प्वालबाट बाहिर तान्न बल प्रयोग गरेको अवस्थामा डोरी तान्ने खेलमा मान्छे अघि पछि भएजस्तो दृश्य देख्न पुगे । श्रवणलाई झक्झक्याएर के भयो भनेर रुपचन्दले सोध्दा यहि डण्डी बाट दुवै हात छिराएर उसले आफ्नो टाउको बाहिर तान्न थालेको र आफु चाहिँ बल गरेर उसबाट छुट्कारा पाउन खोजेको बताए ।

मलाई कंकालले यहि डण्डीको बीच बाट हात घुसारेर अन्तिम समयमा तानीरहेको थियो भनेर देखाउदै श्रवण महतो !
उनको छातिभरि कोपरेको चिथोरेको धर्सा, डाम र रगतले गञ्जीको केहि भाग भिजेको र कार्पेटमा पनि रगत चुहिएको टाटाहरु स्पष्ट थियो । सो घटना घटेको केहि मिनेटमा नै जानकारी पाएर माथिल्लो तल्लामा जाँदा श्रवण महतो कुनै २ सय मिटर दौड प्रतियोगितामा दौडिएर भर्खरै आए जस्तो गरी सुसाईरहेका थिए । छातिभरि चिथोरिएको घाउ देखाउँदै उनले भने हड्डी नै हड्डी मात्र भएको पञ्जाले कोपरेर मेरो यो हालत बनाईदियो । उनी आत्तिदै र काम्दै सबै सामु बताए ।
टि शर्ट र कार्पेट माथिको पेपर माथि देखिएको श्रवणको शरीर बाट निस्किएको रगतको टाटा !

मार्च १९ को राति श्रवणमाथि त्यो घटना घटेको भोलिपल्टै शुक्रवार २० तारिख खोटाङका मणिराज राई माथि पनि राति ११.४५ बजे सुतेको अवस्थामा घाँटी अठ्याउन थालेपछि चिच्याउँदै त्यस अदृश्य शक्तिको कपाल समातेर आफु त्यसबाट छुट्कारा पाएको कुरा बताए ।

त्यो घटनाले त्यहाँ रहने सबै संत्रासमय भएपछि पंक्तिकार क्याम्प वाला मालिकले तलवदारको रुपमा क्याम्पको रेखदेख गर्न राखेको भारत राजस्थानका नाथुरको रुपमा काम गर्दै आएको किशोर मेहरलाई भेटेर केहि जानकारी लिन पुगेको थियो । सो क्याम्पको ५० मिटर पश्चिममा रहेको अर्को क्याम्पमा एक बर्ष अघि एक फिलिपिनो नागरिक कामको सिलसिलामा छाना माथि बाट खसेर घटनास्थलमा नै मरेको र त्यसको केहि समय पछि त्यहाँ तैनाथ नाथुरलाई हरेक साँझ घाँटी थिच्न आउने र कहिले पिट्ने गरेपछि सो क्याम्पका नाथुर किशोर मेहरको रुममा आफ्नो क्याम्प छोडेर सुत्न आएको अनुभव बताए । पहिले पहिले पनि यस्तो घटना यदाकदा भैरहेको क्याम्पमा रहने अरुले बताएपनि त्यसलाई आफुले त्यति वास्ता नगरेको बताउने किशोरले थप भने, यहाँ एउटा महिला र एउटा छोरा मान्छेको आक्रृतिमा आउने भुतले क्याम्पमा सुत्ने बंगाली तथा अन्य देशका नागरिकलाई पनि त्यसै गरी दुख दिएको र उनीहरु त्यहि कारणले क्याम्प छोडेर गएको हुन सक्ने बताए । फिलिपिनो नागरिक मरेको क्याम्पमा यो स्टोरी तयार गर्दै गर्दाको करिब २० दिन अघि मात्र अर्का एक नेपाली पनि सुतेकै अवस्थामा मरेपछि अहिले कतै त्यहि आत्मा भट्किएर यति दुख दिएको त होइन ? उनी प्रतिप्रश्न गर्छन् ।

विकासको चरम गतिमा दौडिएको कतारमा यस्ता भूत जसलाई जिन्ह पनि भनिन्छ, सो जिन्ह हुन्छ भन्ने कुरामा उनीहरु प्नि त्यतिकै विश्वाश राख्दछन् । यहाँ त्यस्ता कैयौं घरमा जिन्हले मानिसलाई दुख दिने गरेकोले यहाँका त्यस्ता घर मालिक कतारीहरुले सो घरलाई भूत बंगलाको रुपमा नै रहन दिई अन्यत्र सरेका बारेमा पनि थुप्रै सुन्नमा आउँछ र त्यस्ता भूत बंगला घरहरु पनि देख्न पाईन्छ ।

विज्ञानले प्रमाणित गर्न नसकेको यस्ता भूतप्रेतको बारेमा हरेक देशमा भूत हुन्छन् भन्ने संन्दिग्ध आस्था बोक्नेहरुको कमी भने छैन । आफैं बसेको क्याम्पमा नेपाली दाजुभाईहरु माथि भएको यस्ता घटना प्रकृति र चोटपटक प्रत्यक्ष देखे पनि आफुले अहिले सम्म भूत देख्न सौभाग्य नपाएको हुनाले एउटा पुनः अहिले सम्म बिज्ञानले प्रमाणित गर्न नसकेको सुल्झीन नसकेको रहस्यको बारेमा पंक्तिकार पनि अन्यौलमा नै रहेको छ । साँच्चै के भूत, प्रेतात्मा, जिन्ह हुन्छन् त ?

भूतकै प्रसंगमा लेख्दै गर्दा आफुले नदेखेको भूतको संवाद यहाँ टाँस्न मन लाग्यो ।

दुवै भूतहरु फुर्सदमा बसेर तर्क वितर्क गर्ने क्रममा अर्को भूतलाई सोधेछ ।
भूत कः के साँच्ची नै मान्छे भन्ने चीज यो पृथ्वीमा हुन्छ होला त यार ?
भूत खः धत्, यस्तो नचाहिने कुरो पनि गर्ने ? मान्छे सान्छे भन्ने कुनै पनि प्राणी हुँदैन क्या । त्यो त हाम्रो भ्रम मात्र हो । हामीलाई डराउनलाई त्यतिकै मान्छे भन्ने प्राणी पनि हुन्छन् भनेर हाम्रा जीजुबाजे भूतहरुले कुरा बनाएका मात्र हुन् । ईअलनेपालडटकम बाट

दिनमा कम्तिमा पनि ५ पटक यौन सम्पर्क नगरी बस्न नसक्ने १८ बर्षिय युवतीको व्यथा”

News Update | 10:42 AM | Be the first to comment!

मलाई धेरै नै यौन इच्छा हुन्छ, म १८ वर्षीया अविवाहित युवती हुँ। मलाई धेरै नै यौन इच्छा हुन्छ, तर म केटा साथीहरूसँग सम्पर्क राख्न चाहन्नँ। यस्तो अवस्थामा मैले के गर्नुपर्ला ?

यौनइच्छा किन ?

यौनइच्छा जीवनको अभिन्न अङ्ग हो। प्राकृतिक रूपमा सबै स्वस्थ व्यक्तिमा यौनइच्छा हुन्छ। यौनइच्छा एकदम स्वाभाविक हो। यो प्राकृतिक शक्ति वा व्यग्रताले निश्चित कार्यका लागि अभिप्रेरित गर्छ।

यो आधारभूत कुरा भएको हुनाले यसलाई मस्तिष्कको एक भागले सञ्चालन गर्छ। प्राणीहरूको विकासक्रमलाई हेर्न हो भने मस्तिष्कको यो भाग करोडौं वर्ष पहिले नै विकसित भएको देखिन्छ।

मानिसमा मस्तिष्कको अन्य भाग विकसित हुँदै गए पनि मस्तिष्कको उक्त भागले अझै पनि प्रारम्भकै जस्तो महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका खेलिरहेको छ।

यौनसम्पर्कबाट नै जीवनको सुरुवात भएका हामी सबैका लागि यौनसम्पर्क गरेर वंशवृद्धिलाई निरन्तरता दिनु दायित्व पनि हो। हाम्रो प्रमुख जैविक कार्य सन्तान उत्पत्ति हो, तर अहिले पहिलेको जस्तो वंश निरन्तरताका लागि धेरै सन्तान जन्माउनुपर्ने आवश्यकता छैन। त्यसैले आनन्दका लागि यसको प्रयोग निकै हुने गरेको छ।
कसरी सञ्चालित हुन्छ ?

मोटामोटी रूपमा हेर्दा यौनइच्छाको सञ्चालनमा विभिन्न प्रणालीहरू सक्रिय देखिन्छन्। एक त इन्डोक्राइन प्रणालीअन्तर्गतका रागरसहरूले महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका खेल्छन् भने अर्कातिर इन्दि्रय प्रणालीका साथमा स्नायुप्रणालीले।

पहिले इन्डोक्राइन प्रणालीले यौन क्रिया सञ्चालनमा भूमिका निर्वाह गर्छ। रागरसको प्रभावः यौनइच्छा जाग्ने वा त्यसको व्यग्रतामा रागरसको महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका हुन्छ।

यौन क्रियाकलापभन्दा टेस्टेस्टेरोनले यौनइच्छा वा यौन व्यग्रतालाई बढी प्रभाव पारेको हुन्छ। महिलामा पनि टेस्टेस्टेरोनले नै यौनइच्छा वा यौन व्यग्रताका लागि महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका खेल्छ।

इन्दि्रयहरूका कुरा :

यौन क्रियाका लागि पनि हाम्रा इन्दि्रयहरूले महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका खेल्छन्। यौन उत्तेजनाका लागि हाम्रा इन्दि्रयहरू नभैनहुने कुरा हुन् ।

हाम्रो शरीरले कसरी आनन्द पाउँछ भन्ने कुरा नै ऐन्दि्रकता हो। यो हाम्रो शरीरका पाँच इन्दि्रय- दृष्टि, स्पर्श, ध्वनि, गन्ध र स्वादसँग सम्बन्धित कुरा हो। यसमध्ये कुनै इन्दि्रयबाट आनन्द प्राप्त गर्नु नै ऐन्दि्रकता हुनसक्छ। यौनसम्पर्क पनि एक विशेष किसिमको स्पर्श नै हो। मस्तिष्कको भूमिका : यौन सम्पर्कलाई ‘शारीरिक सम्बन्ध’ भनिए पनि यसको मानसिक पाटो एकदमै महत्वपूर्ण हुन्छ।

यौन उत्तेजनाको स्रोत जेसुकै भए पनि अन्तिम रूपमा त्यसलाई अर्थ लगाउने र बुझ्ने कुरा मस्तिष्कले नै गरिरहेको हुन्छ। वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोणले हेर्ने हो भने, यौन उत्तेजनालाई ‘स्नायु प्रणाली तथा यौनअङ्ग संलग्न एक जटिल प्रक्रियाको क्रियाशीलता हो’ भनेर परिभाषित गर्न सकिन्छ।

हामीलाई थाहै छ, यौनसम्बन्धी हाम्रा भावनाहरू मस्तिष्कबाट प्रारम्भ हुन्छन्। यसरी सोच्ने हो भने मष्तिष्क नै सबैभन्दा महत्वपूर्ण यौन अंग हो। हामीमा स्वाभाविक रूपमै विचार, भावना अनि स्मरणहरू आउँछन् तर ती कुरा एउटा जटिल प्रक्रियाबाट सञ्चालित हुन्छन्। यौन उत्तेजना कुनै इन्दि्रयको संलग्नताबिना नै हुनसक्छ। परिकल्पनाबाट नै पनि यौन उत्तेजना हुनसक्छ।
के गर्ने होला ?

यौन प्राकृतिक कुरा हो भन्ने बुझ्नु र त्यसलाई आत्मसात् गर्नु आवश्यक छ। किशोरावस्थामा यो अलि बढी र तीव्र हुन्छ, त्यसैले यौनइच्छा भयो भनेर चिन्ता लिनु पर्दैन। विशेष गरेर किशोर-किशोरीलाई आफ्ना यौन भावनालाई कसरी व्यवस्थापन गर्ने भन्ने कुरा स्पष्टसँग जानकारी हुँदैन। त्यस्तो हुँदा अलमल हुने नै भयो र विशेष गरेर किशोरावस्थामा यो अझ चर्को रूपमा देखा पर्छ।
कसैलाई राम्रोसँग व्यक्त गर्न नसकिँदा स्वाभाविक नै भए पनि यो अति नै बढी भएजस्तो लाग्न सक्छ। यो विषयमा अनावश्यक रूपमा चिन्ता नलिनु बेस हुन्छ। पुरुष हुन् वा महिला, यौन साथीले यौन सुख प्राप्त गर्न सहयोग गर्ने मात्र हो, जसरी राम्रो दृश्य हेर्न वा मीठो संगीत सुन्न अरूले सहयोग गर्न सक्छ तर त्यसको आनन्द आफैंले प्राप्त गर्नुपर्छ यौनसम्पर्कको सन्दर्भमा पनि त्यही कुरा लागू हुन्छ।

तपाईंको पुरुष साथीले त सहयोग गर्ने मात्र हो। तपाईंले आफैंले यौन आनन्द प्राप्त गर्नुपर्छ। सक्दैन भनेर उसलाई होच्याउनुले फाइदा गर्दैन।

आफूलाई उसले के-कस्तो क्रियाकलाप गरिदिए सहयोग हुन्छ भनेर उसलाई त्यसमा संलग्न गराउनुभयो भने तपाईंलाई आनन्द प्राप्त गर्न सहयोग मिल्छ। यौनइच्छाका लागि पुरुष फेर्ने सोच राख्नुभएको हो भने त्यति बुद्धिमानी कदम हो जस्तो लाग्दैन। यौन भावनालाई कसरी व्यवस्थापन गर्ने भन्ने कुरा एकदमै महत्वपूर्ण हुन्छ।

यसो हुनुले स्वस्थ रूपमा यौन विकास भैरहेको कुरालाई संकेत गर्छ। यौनेच्छा स्वाभाविक भएकाले यसलाई निर्मूल गर्नुपर्ने कुनै आवश्यकता छैन। विचार गर्नुपर्ने कुरा के हो भने, जति नै तीव्र हुँदा पनि यसलाई व्यवस्थित रूपमा कसरी बाँच्ने भन्ने कुरा महत्वपूर्ण छ।

यदि यौनइच्छा कम नै होस् भन्ने चाहनु हुन्छ भने यौनबाहेक आफ्ना रुचिका अन्य कुरामा बढी समय बिताउने, शारीरिक परिश्रम गर्नुपर्ने खेलकुद वा श्रम वा व्यायाम गर्ने, यौन साहित्य वा चित्र/चलचित्रबाट टाढा रहनेजस्ता कुरा केही मात्रामा सहयोगी हुन सक्छन्।

गोर्खाल्याण्डका लागी भारतको बिरोध गर्दा सबैसामु नेपाली महिलालाइ कुट्दै भारत प्रहरी.सेयर गरौ

News Update | 9:57 AM | Be the first to comment!

Darjeeling following the violent protest by Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) and its 12-hour strike against proposal to make Bengali language compulsory ingovernment schools.Two Army columns have been deployed in the town on the request of West Bengal Chief MinisterMamata Banerjee to maintain law and order situation. Each column consists a officer, two JCOs and 40 jawans.
The Chief Minister took the decision to seek Centre’s help in an emergency meeting held at Rajbhawan in which 30 ministers and delegates, including Chief Secretary Basudeb Banerjee, participated.The meeting was convened following the violent protests across Darjeeling earlier in the day after Mamata announced that Bengali would be compulsorily taught to students up to class 10 in schools.Police vehicles and a government bus were set afire and the police were attacked with stones and bottles by the GJM protesters.
A protest rally was taken out by the protesters only 100 metres away from the venue of the meeting. The protesters shouted slogans and burnt effigies of the chief minister. The GJM has announced 12-hour bandh against the State government’s move.The GJM has been demanding Nepali as a language instead of Bengali or can accept Hindi, but is strictly against the making of Bengali mandatory in all schools across the state.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

धुर्मुश सुन्तली फाउन्डेसनको नमुना नेपाल बनाउने सपना पुरा हुदै.लाखौको मात्रामा सहयोग.सेयर गरौ(भिडियो)

News Update | 9:05 PM | Be the first to comment!

Dhurmus and Suntali are the vetran actors in the Nepali Comedy Industry.They are contributing towards the social work also through their own foundation(Dhurmus Suntali Foundation). They recently made a combine village for earthquake victims.They are providing imformation related to cleanliness all over the Nepal. They are cleanliness ambassador of Nepal Goverment. Dhurmus and Suntali are the vetran actors in the Nepali Comedy Industry.They are contributing towards the social work also through their own foundation(Dhurmus Suntali Foundation). They recently made a combine village for earthquake victims.They are providing imformation related to cleanliness all over the Nepal. They are cleanliness ambassador of Nepal Goverment.Dhurmus and Suntali are the vetran actors in the Nepali Comedy Industry.They are contributing towards the social work also through their own foundation(Dhurmus Suntali Foundation). They recently made a combine village for earthquake victims.They are providing imformation related to cleanliness all over the Nepal. They are cleanliness ambassador of Nepal Goverment. Dhurmus and Suntali are the vetran actors in the Nepali Comedy Industry.They are contributing towards the social work also through their own foundation(Dhurmus Suntali Foundation). They recently made a combine village for earthquake victims.They are providing imformation related to cleanliness all over the Nepal. They are cleanliness ambassador of Nepal Goverment.

कुमारी युवतीहरुको यौन चाहना र असिमित यौन उत्तेजनाको ब्यथा(भिडियो)

News Update | 10:54 AM | Be the first to comment!

“I could take it or leave it.”
“I don’t have much of an interest in sex anymore.”
“I would be happy to never have sex again.”

It has been estimated that as many as 32 percent1 to 43 percent2 of women experience low sexual desire at some point in their lives. In fact, low sexual desire is one of the most commonly presented sexual issues that women bring to therapy.3 Treating women with low sexual desire can be a complex undertaking, as a myriad of potential elements can impact desire, from personal experiences to social factors, cultural messages to relationship dynamics, and everything in between.4

However, despite sexual desire being impacted by so many interconnected aspects of their lives, many women still blame themselves for their lack of sexual interest and believe something is inherently "wrong" with them. Yet in many cases, sexual desire could still be there, but it may have been dampened, tucked away, or put in hibernation.

The following is far from a complete list of what could contribute to low sexual desire, but it represents five of the most common reasons why women might experience a reduced interest in sex, and what to do to address them:

1. Your partner wants more sex than you do.

Your partner seems to want sex every day, but you feel that you could be okay having sex once a week (or once a month, or maybe even less). Many women, if they are the partner with lower desire, use their partner as a barometer for "normal" interest, and assume something is wrong with themselves for not wanting sex just as often. In contrast, we don’t tend to suspect that the person with the higher level of desire has an issue (i.e., we don't ask, "Why do you want so much sex?"). As a society, we value sex and think that wanting lots of it (if you’re an adult in a relationship) is good and healthy.

The term “desire discrepancy” describes a scenario in which two individuals in a relationship have different levels of sexual desire.5 Although this term could apply to all couples at least some of the time, there are some couples that have more obvious and consistent differences in their levels of sexual desire.

But desire discrepancies don’t mean that one person has the "right" amount of sexual desire. In other words, the goal isn’t to get the lower desiring partner to meet the needs of the higher desiring partner. As with any compromise or negotiation with our romantic partners, we figure out a middle ground, as we do when we have different spending habits, eating preferences, travel preferences, etc.

Try this: Ask yourself, If my partner didn't want sex as often, would I be worried about my level of interest in sex? Have I had any previous partners who didn't want sex as often as my current partner, and so I never really thought much about my lack of interest? Depending on your answers, some sexual-frequency conversations with your partner might be helpful. Having lower desire than your partner does not mean anything is "wrong" with you, but it does mean that you and your partner have some negotiating to do.

2. You don't give yourself enough time to get "in the mood."

We know from the research that many women have sexual desire that is responsive as opposed to spontaneous.6 In other words, many women don’t feel a sudden urge to have sex as they run from work to yoga class or while watching a true-crime documentary on Netflix. Instead they respond to sexual cues in their environment and often take some time to "warm up" to the idea of sex.

I’m not just talking about engaging in sexual foreplay. It’s very common for women to need a sexual space before foreplay even begins. For example, maybe you need a romantic encounter (or two) with your partner during the day; flirtatious or loving texts while you're apart; a longer kiss when your partner gets home; or something else to set the mood before the possibility of sex is even on the table.

A lot of women I work with describe saying no to sex because their partner approaches them in a way that feels out of the blue. And, because they aren’t feeling sexual at that exact moment, it reinforces their belief that they don't have an interest in sex: They turn the sexual encounter down, their partner hurts from the rejection, and nobody is happy.

Try this: If your partner suggests having sex, give yourself a moment to think about it, instead of immediately turning it down. If the timing isn't right, or you're not in the mood, say something like, "Not this second, but let me see if I can warm up to it," or, "I wasn't thinking about sex now, but let's have dinner, or watch a movie, or go for a walk, and see how things unfold." Needing time to warm up to sex doesn't mean your desire is low or problematic, but that it needs to be considered as part of the sexual equation.

3. You don't know what you like.

Women are more likely to experience an interest in sex if they are looking forward to the sex they are going to be having.7 So how do you have great enjoyable sex that is worth desiring? To start, you need to know what feels good.

I often work with women with whom I discuss the nuts and bolts of sex — How much, and what kind of, foreplay do you need? What positions work best for you to experience an orgasm? What time of day do you find you're most in the mood, or least likely to want sex? — but many don’t have the answers to these questions. In fact, some tell me they have never even thought about them. On the other hand, these same women more often than not do know exactly what they don’t like.

Think about that dynamic for a moment: Your partner offers to make you dinner, asks you what you want, you say, "I don’t know," and then they make spaghetti and you say, "I don't really like spaghetti." Wouldn’t it be better if you said, "I like chicken parmesan; could you make that?" And your partner made chicken parmesan for you, and everyone was happy?

Try this: It’s not easy to know what we want sexually, especially if we haven't thought about it before. But a good place to start is at the beginning: Think about your early introductions to sex with your partner. Maybe you liked when you and your partner used to make out on the couch all night. Try that again, and see if it still feels good. Or if you really only know what is not working, take it one step further to consider why not, and what could be better. For example: "I don’t like having sex in the spooning position because we can't kiss. I like kissing while we make love. Maybe a position where we are facing each other would help?"

Source: gpointstudio/Shutterstock

4. You know what you like; you just don't know how to ask for it — or you think your partner should just know.

Some of us picture sex like it appears in the movies: Two lovers fall completely in sync with one another, know exactly when and where they should have sex and how to touch and please each other, and then they climax in a simultaneous, mutually pleasurable explosion.

Real life isn’t like that. Sometimes a sexual position we liked last time doesn’t feel so good this time. Or we need a little more oral sex before penetration, while other times we want to jump right in. Or we want to be on top for a moment. Communication about our shifting needs and preferences is critical to sexual satisfaction.8

It’s surprisingly how many women report feeling uncomfortable telling their partner what they want. They think they shouldn't tell their partner (e.g., it would be rude or insulting), or that they shouldn't have to tell them (e.g., their partner should "just know" that a particular move isn’t working, or that they are ready to try something a little more spicy).

If you on any level believe that your partner should be more responsible for your sexual pleasure than you are, then you're taking a passive role in sex and are less likely to enjoy the process. Remember that your partner cannot know what is going on in your head.

Try this: If you know what you like, or if something doesn't feel good, or if something else would feel better, try telling your partner. Or maybe consider how you're telling them: Non-verbal messages like pulling away or moaning less are open to interpretation or can be completely missed. If you are in a respectful relationship in which your partner will listen to your wants and needs, try telling them explicitly what you like and what's working. Most partners want to know. You can speak up between sexual encounters or during them, but verbal encouragement gives you the best chance of enjoying sex and having a higher likelihood of wanting it again in the future.

5. You were taught that women shouldn't enjoy sex.

As girls and adolescents, many women receive warnings about embracing and acting upon their sexuality. We are told that we might get pregnant (and, if so, that we would carry the brunt, if not all, of the work after the baby is born). Not to mention the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections and diseases. And then there is the “slut shaming” of women who are single, promiscuous, and enjoy sex.

But then you get into a relationship, or get married, and suddenly you are expected to put all of that behind you. You're expected to be a confident sexual person who loves having sex with her partner.9 How do you make that transition? Well, it doesn't happen overnight, but things can change.

Try this: Reflect on the messages you received earlier in life about sex. Were you taught that "good girls" don't like sex? Were you taught anything about sex at all — or was it a taboo topic? Consider the impact these messages might have had on you, and if they might still affect you now. Letting go of messages isn't easy, but identifying where they came from and what you think about them in your current situation is a good place to start.

Final Thoughts

Every woman’s sexual experience is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all treatment to increase sexual desire. Some women have sexual desire issues that run much deeper than what is addressed in this post (e.g., sexual abuse histories, physical and hormonal changes from early menopause, unhealthy relationship patterns that can't be overcome by having more sex, etc.). For those women, seeking therapeutic treatment could be a helpful option.

सिंहलाइ आहारा छोड्न जादा एक्कासी झम्टिएर हेर्दा हेर्दै मान्छेको हड्डीमात्र बाकी राखेको दृश्य(LIVE)

News Update | 10:45 AM | Be the first to comment!

Two lions have reportedly been shot dead by zookeepers in front of a crowd of visitors after severely mauling a man who had entered their enclosure in an apparent suicide attempt.

The man, named as 20-year-old Franco Luis Ferrada by local media, had reportedly climbed onto the rooftop of the lion enclosure at Santiago National Zoo, Chile, and forced his way into the pen before stripped naked and taunting the lions into attacking him.

As the lions set upon Mr Ferrada a zookeeper reportedly opened fire with tranquiliser darts - accidentally hitting Mr Ferrada in the neck.

The zookeeper is then said to have opened fire with live rounds, killing the two big cats in front of a large crowd of visitors to the zoo.


'Tiger whisperer' Stacey Konwiser mauled to death by big cat in Palm Beach zoo
Lion mauls man in middle of rush hour after getting agitated by the traffic
Lion shot dead after attacking man near Kenya national park outside Nairobi

Mr Ferrada was taken to a nearby hospital and was said to be in grave condition, with injuries to the pelvis and head.

Since the incident on Saturday morning scores of people have taken to the Santiago Metropolitan Zoo Facebook page expressing anger at the execution of the two big cats.

Facebook user, John Smith, described the zoo as an "evil zoo with backward methods for dealing with problems".

Mr Smith added: "They sacrifice animals to protect humans who choose to enter enclosures at their own free will."

Others claimed the zoo should be boycotted for poor security and condemned the zoo for using deadly force against the animals.

In an official statement, a spokesperson for the zoo said: "We were forced to implement all our security protocols.

"[The death of the lions] is deeply painful for each of us and especially for every one of the officials of the zoo, who care for them day by day.

"Despite the pain which led to this action, it was necessary to preserve the life of the individual, [who] was removed from the premises and taken to a clinic to receive the appropriate care, where he remains at the moment.

"We want to clarify that the halls of our zoo are absolutely safe for our regular visitors and that, in cases like this, in which a person violates the security protocols of the enclosure, are absolutely out of the ordinary.

गोप्य अंग सफा गर्दा ध्यान नदिए आउन सक्छन यस्ता समस्या.थाहा पाई राखौ(भिडियो)

News Update | 10:38 AM | Be the first to comment!

Believing that news is for everyone and all the people have an equal right to receive true and factual information at anytime, anywhere.We are a team of dedicated, vibrant, professional, experienced and energetic people putting our efforts to set new dawn in the field of online journalism. We aim to bring the reality accessible for all and bring the people together for social, economical and political transformation. We are also committed to bring the news instantly when it crops out. We also evaluate and provide comprehensive reporting and commentary on the politics, business, culture, travel, fashion, sports and education of Nepal in an attractive and elegant manner. Our online site is a medium to unite the Nepalese people residing in every nook and corner of the world.Believing that news is for everyone and all the people have an equal right to receive true and factual information at anytime, anywhere.We are a team of dedicated, vibrant, professional, experienced and energetic people putting our efforts to set new dawn in the field of online journalism. We aim to bring the reality accessible for all and bring the people together for social, economical and political transformation. We are also committed to bring the news instantly when it crops out. We also evaluate and provide comprehensive reporting and commentary on the politics, business, culture, travel, fashion, sports and education of Nepal in an attractive and elegant manner. Our online site is a medium to unite the Nepalese people residing in every nook and corner of the world.

सेक्स हुनु भन्दा अघी हरेक युवतीले चाहने महत्वपूर्ण कुरा व्यक्त गर्दै यी युवती(भिडियो)

News Update | 10:23 AM | Be the first to comment!

यौन सम्बन्ध पुरुष र महिलाबीचको प्राकृतिक आकर्षणको मुख्य कारण हो । तर यौन सम्बन्ध राख्दा महिला र पुरुषको मनमा कस्तो भाव आउँछ भन्ने विषयमा सबैलाई कौतुहलता हुन्छ ।
यस विषयमा धेरै अध्यन भएका छन् भने लेख रचना समेत लेखिएका छन् । पछिल्लो पटक गरिएको एक शोधले महिलाले ओच्छ्यानमा के चाहन्छन् भन्ने विषयमा नयाँ तथ्य बाहिर ल्याएको छ । यौन विज्ञको सहभागितामा ७०० महिलामा गरिएको अध्यनबाट महिलाहरुले यौन सम्बन्धको बेला के सोंच्छन् भन्ने तथ्य बाहिर आएको हो ।

यौन क्रिडामा पुरा ध्यानः
ओच्छ्यानमा हुँदा महिलाहरु आफ्नो पार्टनरले पुरै ध्यान यौन सम्बन्धमै देओस भन्ने चाहन्छन् । सर्वेमा सहभागी करिव ४२ प्रतिशत महिलाले आफूलाई ध्यान दिएको महसुस भए पुरुषको प्यार बढी अनुभव हुने बताएका थिए । आँखाको हाउभाउ, मुखको क्रियाकलाप, चुम्बन, ओंठमा चुम्बन वा संवेदनशील अंगमा स्पर्ष यौन सम्पर्कको समयमा महिलालाई मन पर्ने अध्यनको निष्कर्ष छ ।पाक क्रिडा महत्वपूर्णः महिलाहरु यौन सम्पर्क शुरु हुनु अघि गरिने क्रियाकलापमा बढि चाख राख्छन् । पाक क्रिडाको माध्यमबाट आफूलाई पुरै उत्तेजित तुल्याएपछि मात्र यौन सम्पर्क शुरु होस् भन्ने महिलाको चाहाना हुन्छ । सर्वेमा सहभागी अधिकाँश महिलाले पुरुषहरु सेक्सको विषयमा अलि रचनात्मक हुनु पर्ने र महिलालाई तयार गर्ने कुरामा विचार गर्नु पर्ने बताएका थिए ।

आनन्द र सन्तुष्टीबीच फरकः किंसले इन्स्टिच्यूटले गरेको शोधमा महिलाले पनि पुरुष जस्तै कण्डोम नलगाइ यौन सम्पर्क गर्दा बढी सन्तुष्टी हुने बताए । यद्यपी कण्डोम लगाउँदा बढी सुरक्षित महसुस हुने उनीहरुको भनाइ थियो ।

विस्तारै गरेको राम्रोः
यौन क्रिडाका लागि हतारिने पुरुष महिलालाई मन पर्दैन । उनीहरु आफ्ना संवेदनशील कोमल अंगमा पुरुषले दुख्ने गरी केही पनि नगरुन् भन्ने चाहन्छन् । संवेदनशील अंगसँग संवेदनशीलरुपमै प्रस्तुत भएको उनीहरुलाई मन पर्छ ।

वातावरणको भूमिकाः शोधमा सहभागी अधिकाँश महिलाले उपयुक्त मौषम वा वातावरण नबने यौन आनन्द लिन नसकिने बताए । चिसो मौषममा चिसा खुट्टा लिएर पुरुष यौन क्रिडा गर्न तयार भएपनि महिलालाई त्यसले गाह्रो हुने उनीहरुको भनाइ थियो । त्यसैगरी गर्मीमा सेक्सको चाहाना र आनन्द बढी हुने महिलाको अनुभव छ ।
आसनको भूमिकाः यौन क्रिडामा आसनको भूमिका पनि महत्वपूर्ण हुने महिलाको भनाइ छ । शोधमा सहभागी महिलाका अनुसार सुताएर उनीहरुको तल २-३ सिरानी राखेर यौन क्रिडा गर्दा महिलाले बढी सन्तुष्टी अनुभव गर्ने गर्छन् । तर सुतेका पुरुषमाथि चढेर यौन सम्पर्क गर्दा पनि मजा आउने उनीहरुको भनाइ छ । त्यसै गरी अधिकाँश महिलाले डगी स्टाइल अर्थात महिला चार हात खुट्टा टेकेर बस्ने र पुरुषले पछाडीबाट यौन क्रिडा गर्ने पोजिसन सबै भन्दा आनन्ददायी रहेको बताए ।
विभिन्न तरिकाः अष्ट्रेलियन सेक्स रिसर्चर जूलियट रिचटर्स भन्छन् सर्वेमा सहभागी पाँच जनामा एक महिला मात्र सामान्य तरिकाको सेक्सबाट चरम अवस्थामा पुगेका थिए । अधिकाँश युवतीहरुले पुरुषहरुले हात र मुखको प्रयोग बढी गरेको राम्रो बताए । ९० प्रतिशत युवतीले पुरुषले मुखको प्रयोग गरेपछि मात्र चरम आनन्दमा पुग्ने बताएका थिए ।
हतार नगर्नुस्
अधिकाँश पुरुषहरु महिलाको भन्दा पनि आफ्नो सन्तुष्टीलाई बढी ध्यान दिन्छन् । कतिपय अवस्थामा त महिला तयार नै नहुँदै पुरुष स्खलित हुन्छन् । सर्वेका क्रममा अधिकाँश माहिलाहरुले आफूहरु १० मिनेट भित्र चरम अवस्थामा पुग्ने तर पुरुष त्यतिन्जेल पनि हतारिने बताए ।

संवेदनशील अंगको पहिचानः महिला शरीर आफैमा संवेदनशील चिज हो । तर पुरुषहरु आफ्नै जस्तो गरेर महिलासँग ब्यवहार गर्छन् । सेक्सको शोधका क्रममा महिलाहरु योनीको माथिल्लो भित्री भागमा हुने G-स्पटमा स्पर्ष भए निक्कै छिटो आनन्दित हुने पत्ता लागेको छ । G-स्पटमा चलाउँदा महिला तयार हुने र छिटो चरम सीमामा पुग्ने शोधकर्ताको भनाइ छ । यसका लागि औंलाको प्रयोग महत्वपूर्ण हुन्छ ।

थाकेको बेला वा निद्रामा महिला उत्तेजित हुँदैनन
पुरुषहरु अधिकाँश समय यौनका लागि तयार रहेपनि महिलाको अलि फरक हुन्छ । उनीहरु थाकेको बेला वा निद्राको बेला उत्तेजित हुने सम्भावना निक्कै कम हुन्छ । त्यस्तै उनीहरु थाकेको बेला यौन आनन्दमा पुर्याउँछु भन्नु पनि मुर्खता हुन्छ ।

दार्जलिंगका नेपाली र नेपालको साथ चिन सरकार.गोर्खाल्याण्ड फिर्ता गर्न चिनको मद्धत.सक्दो सेयर गरौ

News Update | 9:58 AM | Be the first to comment!

Darjeeling following the violent protest by Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) and its 12-hour strike against proposal to make Bengali language compulsory ingovernment schools.Two Army columns have been deployed in the town on the request of West Bengal Chief MinisterMamata Banerjee to maintain law and order situation. Each column consists a officer, two JCOs and 40 jawans.
The Chief Minister took the decision to seek Centre’s help in an emergency meeting held at Rajbhawan in which 30 ministers and delegates, including Chief Secretary Basudeb Banerjee, participated.The meeting was convened following the violent protests across Darjeeling earlier in the day after Mamata announced that Bengali would be compulsorily taught to students up to class 10 in schools.Police vehicles and a government bus were set afire and the police were attacked with stones and bottles by the GJM protesters.
A protest rally was taken out by the protesters only 100 metres away from the venue of the meeting. The protesters shouted slogans and burnt effigies of the chief minister. The GJM has announced 12-hour bandh against the State government’s move.The GJM has been demanding Nepali as a language instead of Bengali or can accept Hindi, but is strictly against the making of Bengali mandatory in all schools across the state.

१० बर्षको कलिलो उमेरमा सेक्सको भोगी,मुखमैथुन सबैभन्दा बेस्ट-भूमिका(भिडियो)

News Update | 9:32 AM | Be the first to comment!

I have learned from my personal experience that this can be a very serious and troubling question from a person who is this age, or in this age range (10 - 12 years or younger). (If you are only 10 or 11 years old, this is going to be a long answer, but if the question is serious, you deserve a serious answer.)

There are several questions wrapped into one here. 1) CAN a boy of 11 years of age have s#x (with anyone) 2) CAN a girl of 10 years of age have s#x (with anyone) 3) should a boy or girl of these ages have s#x, 4) is it legal for s#x between a boy of 11 and a girl of 10, and 5) [implied] if this has already happened what should [I] do about it in the future. At the moment that I am writing this answer, this question has been much neglected, or not taken very seriously (except as a question of the morality of “should”) so I will try to look at a few of the other questions and possible answers.

The fundamental answer to questions 1) and 2) above is “yes” it is possible. It is even fairly possible that it could be pleasant and pleasurable for both a boy and girl of these ages, assuming that both were consenting and that this consent was because of feelings of mutual attraction. It would likely be painful if either one is less than excited about it. Yes, I would say it could be “love” at those ages. Love is relatively unlikely to be more than a mutual attraction that early in one’s life, but certainly there are plenty of cases of young people who met in junior high school (just a year or two away for you) and married when they finished high school, or at some time later in life because they had formed a true lifelong bond which regardless of other details is certainly a kind of love. There are, of course, a majority of people in Western culture who will deny that “true love” is even possible in “children” so young, but few, if any who have a convincing argument that their definition of “true” love is any different than what most people feel toward one another. So, yes, an 11 year old boy be in love with a 10 year old girl. Does that justify having s#x with her?

There are two basic meanings to “justify”. The first comes from “justice”, meaning, “Is it legal?” NO, it is against the law in almost every place in the Western hemisphere. Some places in the Eastern hemisphere it would be perfectly legal, and likely to happen after the wedding ceremony. (People in many parts of the world get married to people chosen by their parents as part of a family strategy for an alliance of wealth or business, not for something as silly as “love”.) The other meaning of “justify”m which really is the same except that it is not based on the law, but the law is based on this meaning. It means is it fair, reasonable, and moral (whatever your morality may be, and that is usually dependant on “what your parents taught you”, typically based on the religious teachings they received, though sometimes based on your own judgement when you have thought about it a lot). In that sense it is not “wrong” unless it is wrong for you by your own judgement which admittedly is not very complex at that age. I hope that helps you think about your own answers to questions 3) and 4) as I outlined above.

Question 5 is also important, perhaps the most important. If this has already happened [s#x between 10 and 11 year old people] I remind you that it is illegal in all of the Western hemisphere, and most places in the rest of the world except under special circumstances [as mentioned above, for instance]. So, please be clear about what you mean by “have s#x”. Usually that means a male placing his penis inside the female’s vagina. There are a lot of other things that are different forms of “s#x”, but this is the common one. At the age of 10 or 11, s#x is such a taboo subject that you may have heard that other acts are “s#x” which are not s#x in the usual sense, but may have been referred to as “s#x” either by your parents (while telling you what “not to do” to a person of the opposite gender) or your friends who had that kind of lecture from their parents (the “what not to do on a date” lecture). “Having s#x” is not: touching parts of another person’s body that you have been told not to touch, nor is it being touched in places you have been told not to let anyone touch you. Why do I mention this? Because if the other person is doing something to you that you do not want them to do, then you probably should tell someone (one of those people they call an “adult”, probably your parents, or your group home counsellor), but be careful that what you tell then is not exactly accurate. If it is your parents, they will probably spend the first couple of hours “flipping out”, going crazy, and yelling and making threats, but if your report gets to the police or a social worker at Child Protective Services, or someone else connected to law enforcement or the “protection of children” (usually protecting them from starvation, beatings and s#x) it will almost certainly ruin the other person’s (the boy or girl) life, in a very literal sense, possibly even spending time in prison, nearly impossible to get a job after that or most “normal” things.

If it has happened, and you suddenly feel an urge to “confess” (even to a priest) if it was something you mutually wanted and felt good about, sharing intimacy, sharing loving feelings, don’t tell someone because you feel you “should”. Don’t tell a girlfriend, or another boyfriend later in life, this is one of those, “it was our choice, and our secret and no one else gets to know.” Especially don’t decide you will “get back” at this person if they find that they truly love someone else (6 months feels like forever when you are 10 years old) (6 months feel like “last week” to someone who is 70 years old). This kind of “revenge” for something you both chose to do is, as I said before, a terrible thing for the other person, something that could ruin their whole life for the entire rest of their life (worse, in fact, than a life sentence in prison) and really not at all on the same scale as the time you did enjoy together.

Am I recommending that an 11 year old boy have s#x with a 10 year old girl? No, I am not. Is it a terrible thing? Not if it is from mutual loving and caring about one another, whether that feeling lasts for 6 months or 30 years, it is not “a bad thing” just because some people have rules against it or will tell you that it is completely “wrong”.

If you are a person in this position, I hope this “discussion” has been helpful to you making up your own mind about what you want to do. If you want to discuss it further (anonymously or directly with me) I try always to be available to discuss matters of s#x and behaviour at any time. I have my own moral code that is right for me, but I try not to be judgemental of other people or what they believe is right for them, provided that they have given it some serious thought.


Saturday, June 10, 2017

तिर्सनाबाट पहिलोपल्ट हट र सेक्सी दृश्य सार्बजनिक.आफ्नो बाचा पुरा गर्दै तिर्सना बुढाथोकी(भिडियो)

News Update | 10:27 AM | Be the first to comment!

Controversial model,Tirsana Budathoki is renowned in Nepali model world as one of the most talkative and controversial girl. Recently in an interview,she walked off from interview saying some rude words with disrespect behavior. During interview,she was compared with "Archana Paneru" in which she got fired and threw her anger to interviewer. Though she has been appeared in many music videos,she still lacks some knowledge and intellectual mind,lots of viewers says.Controversial model,Tirsana Budathoki is renowned in Nepali model world as one of the most talkative and controversial girl. Recently in an interview,she walked off from interview saying some rude words with disrespect behavior. During interview,she was compared with "Archana Paneru" in which she got fired and threw her anger to interviewer. Though she has been appeared in many music videos,she still lacks some knowledge and intellectual mind,lots of viewers says.

She was born on 27th Ashad in Dhading. She has 3 siblings, one brother and two sisters. As for her education and schooling, she started her schooling at Shree Karki Gau Ma Vi, Dhading till 8th grade and then later joined in 9th grade at Shree Achene Higher Secondary School and completed her SLC there. After completing her SLC, she shifted to Manamaiju, Kathmandu with her family. She did her +2 at Man Mohan Memorial College located in Sorhakhutte, Kathmandu and later she pursued her Bachelor in Art.

Trisana Budathoki did some dance trainings for 3 months from the famous Dipak KC and then took some advanced dance classes from Narayan Rijal. In addition she also took some acting classes to make sure those two skills would not be a weak point in her career.

Firstly Trisana Budathoki started her own business by opening her own cold store in Thamel and then started her own café business in Newroad.She then introduced herself with Rudra Kuikel who offered her to feature in a music video. Finally she debut as a model from the song Sarab Piuna Jau by Sworrup Raj Acharya. Later she introduced herself with the Ranjan Rijal who then introduced her with the amazing singer Parshuram Rijal and she then got the opportunity to feature in his song. Soon after her first music video she featured in another music video Ago salkai Mutu Bhitra by Parshuram Rijal. After those two songs she was noticed by many directors. She start to got offers and Trisana has starred in more than 2 dozen songs.

She also starred in some Nepali movies as an actress like The Real Artist, What is Love etc.- See more at: http://likenepal.com/blog/model/tirsana-budhathokia/#sthash.G0hAYVpM.dpuf

पिसाबले अत्ताएर हतरपत झाडी पछाडी नग्न भइ पिसाब गर्दै गर्दाको क्षण क्यामरामा कैद(भिडियो)

News Update | 10:16 AM | Be the first to comment!

Open defecation is the practice of people defecating outside and not into a designated toilet. The term is widely used in literature about water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) issues in developing countries. Open defecation causes public health problems in areas where people defecate in fields, urban parks, rivers, and open trenches in close proximity to the living space of others.

Eliminating open defecation is the main aim of improving access to sanitation worldwide and is a proposed indicator for sustainable development goals. Even if toilets are available, people still need to be convinced to refrain from open defecation and use toilets. Therefore, the need for behavioural change is critical in addition to the provision of toilets. A preference for open defecation may be due to traditional cultural practices or lack of access to toilets, or both.[1]

Extreme poverty and lack of sanitation are statistically linked. Eliminating open defecation is said to be an important part of development efforts.[2] High levels of open defecation in a country are usually correlated with a high child mortality, as well as high levels of undernutrition, high levels of poverty, and large disparities between rich and poor.[3](p11)

About one billion people, or 15 percent of the global population, practice open defecation.[3](page v) India has the highest number of people practicing open defecation, around 490 million people, or nearly a third of the population.[4] Most of it occurs in rural areas, where the prevalence is estimated at 52 percent of the population, as opposed to urban areas, where prevalence is estimated at 7.5 percent.[5] The other countries with the highest number of people openly defecating are Indonesia (54 million), followed by Pakistan (41 million),[6][7][8] Nigeria (39 million), Ethiopia (34 million), and Sudan (17 million).[

विदेशमा रहेका श्रीमानसंग सेक्स भिडियो कल गर्दै धादिंगकी १८ बर्षिय युवती.लिक भएको क्लिप

News Update | 10:05 AM | Be the first to comment!

Cyber crime is a crime that is generally related to network and computer. Anything regarding network with illegal activities which do not come under policy of cyber law can be noted as cyber crime.
Categories and lots of factors can come under cyber law in which mainly noticed and highly offensive is frauds done via internet , cyber terrorism, cyber warfare, etc.. 

Normally in developing countries blackmailing and uploading n*de photos are growing rapidly which can also be noted as a part of cyber crime. Due to such kind of activities lots of lives are either forced to attempt su*cide or live their life like in hell.
As technology is increasing in limitless way day by day, precaution and lots of consciousness to protect everyone from such crime is necessary.Cyber crime is a crime that is generally related to network and computer. Anything regarding network with illegal activities which do not come under policy of cyber law can be noted as cyber crime.

Categories and lots of factors can come under cyber law in which mainly noticed and highly offensive is frauds done via internet , cyber terrorism, cyber warfare, etc.. 
Normally in developing countries blackmailing and uploading n*de photos are growing rapidly which can also be noted as a part of cyber crime. Due to such kind of activities lots of lives are either forced to attempt su*cide or live their life like in hell.
As technology is increasing in limitless way day by day, precaution and lots of consciousness to protect everyone from such crime is necessary.

राजदरबारका पुर्व पालेबाट जनताले सुनेको तथ्य भन्दा भिन्दै कहानी सुनाउदै हत्याकाण्डबारे(भिडियो)

News Update | 9:55 AM | Be the first to comment!

The royal palace is a tourist site now, where families pose for photos at the gates. You can go in and stroll around, through halls where kings once walked — past stuffed tigers shot by monarchs, and shimmering chandeliers over long, polished banquet tables.

"Oh my God, what a life they were living, inside," Librarian Ananta Koirala exclaimed. "And being a Nepali citizen, I'm facing the lives of the poor people in the country. But after seeing this palace, I'm really shocked. What a sophisticated life inside the palace."

Actually, the palace and its furnishings look like they were lifted out of a kitchy early '60s timewarp. That's when the palace was built and decorated. The walls display portraits of 250 years worth of Nepalese kings — and photos of more contemporary visitors — Queen Elizabeth, Romania's Nicolae Ceaucescu, China's Jiang Zemin.

Prabal Baniya, who's 30, is a guide here. He used to work for the last king — and Baniya's father worked in the palace before him. He thinks it was a big mistake for Nepal to end its monarchy

"Now, the situation is not so good, compared to before," he said. "Different parties are only fighting among themselves … in my view; there must be a king, to look after his children."

That's what the King's role here used to be — the patriarch, the absolute monarch. Then, in 1990, Nepalese demonstrated for democracy, and then-King Birendra agreed to transform Nepal into a constitutional monarchy. His son, Crown Prince Dipendra, was studying in England then. He is said to have had a temper tantrum and broken a door when he heard that his future role as king would now be a diminished one.

"He was kind of a dual character. Outside, he was very much gentle, very much liked by everyone," said Lt. Gen. Vivek Kumar Shah, an aide-de-camp at the royal palace for 26 years. He knew Crown Prince Dipendra from when he was small.

"But inside, from the beginning — probably, he didn't get the love he should have as a child. That's what my belief is," Shah said. "He had a kind of sadistic nature. He would burn a cat or a mouse. He would enjoy that."

Dipendra also liked guns. Shah says the Crown Prince had a whole range of them in his bedroom.

"He had an MP5, a submachine gun. He had an M16 commando, a submachine gun again. And then, he had a hunting rifle, pistols, you name it," Shah said. He admits that made him and others tasked with the royal family's security nervous. "We always thought it wasn't proper, but there was nothing we could say. Nothing we could do."

In fact, Shah says, it was kind of the tradition of the royal family to carry guns around. The King did it too. And whenever the Nepalese army got a new weapon, he says, both the King and his son wanted to try it out, and perhaps keep one at the palace.

The Crown Prince did have a lighter side. He liked to frequent pubs and parties, and sing and dance with his buddies. He was educated at Eton, before coming back to Nepal for university, then joining the Military Academy.

And the Crown Prince was in love. He'd met Devyani Rana in England, and wanted to marry her. His parents didn't approve. Rana's mother was from an Indian royal family that was considered of a slightly lower caste than Nepali royalty. And her father was a politician, from a rival clan to the King's. The Crown Prince was reportedly told that he had to make a choice. He could marry Rana, but he'd have to give up his right to the throne.

That's one story told about why the 29-year-old Crown Prince might have chosen to kill his family. Kunda Dixit, publisher of the Nepali Times newspaper, says there may have also been another factor.

"If you remember, King Birendra was educated in the West, in Japan," Dixit said. "He believed in a constitutional role for the monarchy, not a dictatorship. But his brother, who later became king, and his own son, the Crown Prince, totally disagreed. They felt the country was going to the dogs, he gave too much away in the 1990 People Power uprising. And that we should do something before it's too late."

Whatever the reason, eyewitnesses say Dipendra, after having some drinks and smoking some pot, came down from his room to the royal family soiree on June 1st, 2001, dressed in army fatigues and carrying several guns. He shot his father first, and then turned to others. One was his father's cousin, Ketaki Chester. She later told a British Channel Four documentary team what she saw just before she was shot.

"The look on his face was very scary," she said. "I still remember it, and still, it gives me the creeps when I remember his face. He looked exactly like the Terminator 2 — absolutely expressionless, but very concentrated. And it still haunts me, that look of his."
The Truth

But even a decade later, despite eyewitness accounts like this one, many Nepalese still doubt they know the whole truth. Librarian Ananta Koirala says he had suspicions from the beginning that the murdered king's brother, Gyanendra, was behind the massacre, at least, putting the Crown Prince up to it.

"I also thought the King, Gyenendra, was involved in the royal massacre, and he was the master planner," Koirala said. "There was an investigating committee, and it gave a report, blaming the then-Prince Dipendra. But … I'm not still believing that Dipendra killed them."

Even the former palace aide-de-camp Vivek Kumar Shah, wondered at the time why the investigation of the massacre only lasted a week, and only concentrated on answering the question of what happened, not why.

"I told His Majesty, King Gyenendra, this part has not been investigated," Shah says. "Was he alone? Or were there other forces involved in it? That should be investigated. We don't have that expertise, so we should ask international experts.' But that didn't happen."

Shah goes into some of this in his book, "The Palace as I Saw It" — which made a splash in Nepal when it came out late last year. Shah speaks more warmly about the murdered King than about Gyanendra, and in that, he is in good company in Nepal. Gyanendra was singularly unpopular. He dissolved parliament, jailed journalists, and tried to return Nepal to an absolute monarchy. That gave fuel to the Maoist insurgency, and eventually helped the Maoists — once they led an elected government – bring him down and end the monarchy.

When Gyanendra stepped down three years ago, he said at a chaotic final news conference at the royal palace that he accepted the decision to end the monarchy. He didn't apologize for anything he'd done, but he did say he was sorry for suffering that may have been inadvertently caused by him trying to do what he thought was best for the country.
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